
Channel 4 Puts T4 Contract Out To Tender

Channel 4 Puts T4 Contract Out To Tender

Channel 4 Channel 4 is set to put the multi-million pound contract for T4 out to tender for the first time in six years, as part of its wider plans to cut programme budgets.

A number of companies are expected to pitch for the contract, including the current producer Eyeworks At It as well as new suppliers Endemol and Tiger Aspect, according to reports.

T4 is one of the first major brands in line for commissioning budget cuts, which is set to include less spend on daytime weekend programmes.

C4 announced plans to reduce spend by £50 million this year and a further £50 million from the broadcaster’s wider spend next year.

Eyeworks At It has produced T4 for six years and has retained the contract without competition each October.

However, Jules Oldroyd, head of scheduling and T4, reportedly asked the company to pitch against a number of other suppliers this year in order to create competition for the teen strand.

Channel 4 is expected to make a decision at the end of the month.

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