
Johnston Press is set to release six-month ABCe data

Johnston Press is set to release six-month ABCe data

ABC Logo Johnston Press is the latest regional media owner to release data on the new ABCe six-month certificate.

The independent online data is set to cover Johnston’s network of local media branded sites and part of the Yorkshire network, including yorkshirepost.co.uk, portsmouth.co.uk and sunderland.co.uk.

Chris Pennock, group sales and marketing directer at Johnston, said: “ABCe audited data provides advertisers with a robust currency on which media space can be bought and delivers to the market independent assurance that our websites are attracting substantial audiences.”

The director of newspapers at ABC, Martyn Gates, added: “It is good news for the regional press that a major media owner such as Johnston Press is signing up to the ABCe six-monthly certificate.”

Johnston also plans to release the results from its comprehensive online survey carried out by Survey Interactive.

Pennock said: “Combined with the ABCe audits this will give us the most comprehensive knowledge of our online audience to date.”

Yesterday, Johnston reported a 15.5% year on year total advertising revenue decline (see Johnston Press suffers 15.5% advertising decline).

The company confirmed its loss is due to “substantial declines in property advertising combined with significant falls in employment and display advertising”.

It also revealed its net debt on November 1 stood at £465 million, a reduction of £19 million from the balance on June 30.

Johnston, which currently publishes 300 titles including the Yorkshire Post and The Scotsman, is expected to continue with cost-cutting measures after it saved £7.6 million in the first half of 2008.

ABC Electronic: 01442 870 800 www.abce.org.uk Johnston Press: 0207 583 2100 www.johnstonpress.co.uk

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