
Official Olympic Website Proves Popular Globally

Official Olympic Website Proves Popular Globally

Man On The Internet comScore has released a study of global visits to Beijing2008.cn, the official website of the 2008 Olympic Games, revealing a tight race between China and the United States, with China taking the gold.

The site offers Olympic content in five languages: Mandarin, English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The study examined the global breakdown of visitors to the site during the first ten days of competition (August 8-17, 2008).

Beijing2008.cn attracted 16.5 million visitors during the first ten days of the Olympics, with China accounting for 4.3 million visitors (25.7%), slightly edging out the United States with 4.1 million visitors (24.8%). Canada ranked third with 937,000 visitors (5.7%), followed by the United Kingdom with 853,000 (5.2%) and Australia with 463,000 (2.8%).

English-speaking countries represented four out of the top five countries and approximately 40% of total visitors to the site.

Beijing2008.cn Visitors by Country
August 8-17, 2008, Total UK, Age 15+ – Home & Work Locations
Source: comScore World Metrix
  Unique Visitors (000) Share of Unique Visitors
Total visitors to Beijing2008.cn 16,546 100.0
China 4,260 25.7
United States 4,104 24.8
Canada 937 5.7
United Kingdom 853 5.2
Australia 463 2.8
France 457 2.8
India 359 2.2
Japan 306 1.8
South Korea 280 1.7
Taiwan 170 1.0

“It’s exciting to see that the official Chinese Olympics site was built in a variety of languages so as to attract visitors from across the globe,” said comScore chairman Gian Fulgoni. “Once again the internet, like the Olympic Games itself, shows that we are truly becoming a world without borders.”

Beijing2008.cn Visitors by Global Region
August 8-17, 2008, Total UK, Age 15+ – Home & Work Locations
Source: comScore World Metrix
  Unique Visitors (000) Share of Unique Visitors
Total visitors to Beijing2008.cn 16,546 100.0
Asia-Pacific 7,508 45.4
North America 5,041 30.5
Europe 2,696 16.3
Middle East-Africa 677 4.1
Latin America 625 3.8

Of all global regions, Asia-Pacific accounted for the most visitors to the site with 7.5 million (45.4%), followed by North America with five million (30.5%) and Europe with 2.7 million (16.3%).

comScore: www.comscore.com

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