
IPA Launches Green Information Portal

IPA Launches Green Information Portal

Ipa Logo The IPA has launched an online sustainability portal to provide agencies with information on improving their green credentials.

The portal has been created following an IPA survey sent to member agencies that revealed that over 90% of respondents would welcome help from the IPA in providing education around environmental issues.

The guide aims to inform agency decision makers and enable them to act immediately and address their agency’s response to the sustainability agenda.

Amanda Phillips, CEO, Proximity London, and chair of the IPA Sustainability Working Party, said: “This one stop portal will provide members with the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to build their green credentials and enjoy a sustainable future.”

Hamish Pringle, IPA director general, said: “We hope that our new portal will help to aid and address the differing agency motivations for crafting a sustainability strategy and action plan, which can include a combination of the following: to save money (especially energy costs); to achieve legal compliance; to reassure clients; to fulfill procurement criteria; to recruit, retain and motivate employees; to align with agency values and to create differentiation and competitive advantage.”

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk

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