
Virgin Media’s On-Demand TV Tops 45 Million Views

Virgin Media’s On-Demand TV Tops 45 Million Views

Virgin Media Logo Virgin Media has announced a massive increase in on-demand viewing, jumping from 34 million views in January to 45 million views in August on its TV platform.

This 33% increase – in less than a year – takes total views of on-demand content to 314 million over eight months.

For the first time, 50% of Virgin Media’s 3.5 million TV customers are watching on-demand regularly.

Neil Berkett, CEO of Virgin Media, said: “We are clearly on the precipice of some fundamental changes in the way people watch TV. The giant leaps we have taken, this year alone, show how popular on-demand viewing has become and as we continue to add compelling programming and develop innovative new ways of accessing it, we will certainly enter a new era of television.”

There were 16 million views of Virgin Media’s on-demand music service in August, its highest ever level since the service was launched, while kids programming saw an uplift of 300,000 views in the last month, reaching 2.5 million views in August.

Virgin Media’s popular movies on-demand service, operated and managed by FilmFlex, experienced a 15% month-on-month growth in August, following a 9% rise in July. This service has now totalled over 30 million buys.

The take-up of BBC iPlayer on Virgin Media’s TV platform has continued to grow with an average of 11.5 million views per month. BBC iPlayer on Virgin Media’s TV platform now accounts for around a third of all BBC iPlayer views according to the cable broadcaster.

Virgin Media: www.virginmedia.com

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