
Thinkbox Commissions New Analysis Of The Impact Of Advertising Investment On Brand Value

Thinkbox Commissions New Analysis Of The Impact Of Advertising Investment On Brand Value

Thinkbox Logo Thinkbox has commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Holden Pearmain to undertake a new analysis of the impact of advertising investment on brand value.

The study follows last year’s Payback Study with PwC, which examined over 700 brands across seven categories and showed that TV advertising pays back 4.5 times its advertising investment.

The new research updates the original Payback Study’s analysis of brand value, using a technique called conjoint or ‘trade-off’ analysis and looking at three more brand categories than the first Payback Study.

The new brand categories being analysed are airlines, mobile phone operators and electrical appliances. These will be in addition to the original categories – haircare, fruit juice, cereals, motor insurance and three separate car markets – to assess how their media spend has influenced their perceived brand value.

PwC is using a sample of more than 2,500 adults. Results from the new research will be unveiled at an event being held by Thinkbox on 22 October.

Tom Hoehn, partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, said: “We are very pleased to have been commissioned to undertake this project which has been unprecedented in its scope. It covers the major UK brand investment markets and has produced clear evidence that significant brand investments lead to significant positive long-term returns.

“In particular TV investment across the last 10 years has typically produced the strongest long-term benefits and furthermore above average TV investment is strongly associated with brand leadership.”

In May, research from Thinkbox and the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) showed that using TV and online together in advertising campaigns is significantly more effective for advertisers than using either in isolation (see TV And Online Are More Effective Together).

Thinkbox: www.thinkbox.tv

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