
Archant Names Fry Replacement

Archant Names Fry Replacement

Archant Archant has today announced the appointment of Adrian Jeakings as Chief Executive to replace John Fry, who was headhunted by its rival company earlier this week.

Fry announced he was leaving Archant to join Johnston Press on Monday, after six years at the company – he is due to leave on December 31 (see Johnston Press Headhunts John Fry From Archant).

Jeakings, who is currently group finance director at Archant, will step up to his new role on November 1, having previously worked closely with Fry.

Archant have also promoted Brian McCarthy to replace Jeakings – he currently works as the finance director for Archant Regional, the company’s newspaper publishing division.

Richard Jewson, chairman of Archant, said: “Archant is fortunate to have extremely able management, well capable of continuing to develop the business. Adrian is ideally placed and qualified to take on the role as chief executive.”

Jeakings added: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to further develop the business. Archant has modest borrowings, a robust digital strategy, excellent brands, and a dedicated and dynamic team.”

Archant www.archant.co.uk

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