
Television Viewing Round-Up – May 2008

Television Viewing Round-Up – May 2008

People Watching TV May saw BBC One, Channel 4 and Five’s viewing shares drop, while ITV1’s was up year on year.

BBC Two was down year on year over the same period.

Other channels saw the largest increase in share, up by 1.9 percentage points.

All Viewing

ITV1 boosted its viewing share by 0.8 percentage points year on year in May, taking its total share to 19.7%.

Britain’s Got Talent really pulled in the viewers for the channel, particularly towards the end of the month when the live smei-finals of the show were aired (see Britain Beats The Apprentice).

BBC One remained the channel with the highest viewing share in all homes, at 21.5%, although it was down 0.7 percentage points year on year.

May saw the channel air the FA Cup Final, grabbing a 52.7% share of the audience (see 7.6m See Portsmouth Lift The FA Cup).

BBC Two and Channel 4 now have viewing shares of 7.8% and 7.3% respectively. BBC Two’s share fell by 1 percentage points year on year, while Channel 4’s was down by 1.4 percentage points.

Five dipped by 0.3 percentage points year on year, leaving its viewing share at 4.9%.

Other channels were up by 1.9 percentage points year on year, to 38.2%.

Digital Viewing

ITV1 also saw its viewing share rise in digital homes, up 1.7 percentage points year on year, to 18.6%.

BBC One was also up, by 0.2 percentage points, taking its viewing share to 20.2%.

Channel 4 now has a viewing share of 6.4% in digital homes, following a year on year dip of 1 percentage point.

BBC Two was down by 0.3 percentage points, to 6.9%, while Five remained relatively static year on year at 4.5%.

Other channels suffered a decline of 1.2 percentage points year on year, leaving their share on 42.6%.

Data to form this report can be found in the Television database on mediatel.co.uk within the “Weekly – Analysis by Platform” section. For any assistance please contact the helpdesk on 020 7439 7575.

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