
Timms to take on Digital Britain role

Timms to take on Digital Britain role

Stephen Timms Reports claim that Treasury minister Stephen Timms is to be appointed communications minister, overseeing the government’s Digital Britain plans.

Timms will take over from Lord Carter, who confirmed his departure in June as the Digital Britain report was published (see Lord Carter expected to step down).

Among the recommendations laid out in the report, Timms will have to push through plans for a £6 a year levy on fixed phone lines to pay for next generation broadband (see Digital Britain report published).

Other proposals in the report include planning for radio’s switch from analogue to DAB in 2015, updating Channel 4’s statutory remit and providing increased wireless and 3G coverage for mobile devices.

According to our weekly columnist Raymond Snoddy, the report ducked some hard choices and left very little decided (see Raymond Snoddy is disappointed with the Digital Britain report).

Channel 4 was the big loser, he added. “After years of campaigning, some thought far too enthusiastically, for financial support the Channel has come away with its begging bowl completely empty unless it manages to reach a deal with BBC Worldwide.”

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