
CAP changes code following EC ruling on food claims

CAP changes code following EC ruling on food claims

CAP Logo The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) has made changes to its code following the introduction of new European legislation on nutrition and health claims made on food.

The European legislation – which seeks to protect consumers from misleading or false claims made on foods – becomes enforceable immediately as it reflects the law.

The new rules have also led to the Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice (BCAP) launching a consultation to see how its TV and Radio codes could be affected.

In a statement, BCAP said that it proposes the minimum number of changes necessary to ensure that its present codes do not allow practices that are explicitly prohibited by the new rules and do not unduly restrict the use of nutrition or health claims that are permitted.

BCAP has taken advice from the Food Standards Agency in revising its codes, which will be administered by the Advertising Standards Authority.

CAP said that it will take into account any changes that BCAP makes following its consultation.

CAP: www.cap.org.uk

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