
IAB launches online behavioural advertising guidelines

IAB launches online behavioural advertising guidelines

IAB Logo The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) has launched new guidelines for online behavioural advertising.

Drawn up in collaboration with key players in behavioural advertising, the Good Practice Principles are the UK’s first self-regulatory guidelines for companies that collect and use data in this way.

Supported by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the independent data protection regulator, the Principles are a common industry initiative dedicated to increasing consumer awareness and choice about the kind of advertising they receive.

All companies that sign up to the Principles have six months to comply with three core commitments:

  • Notice – a company collecting and using online data for behavioural advertising – such as a website publisher, ad network or technology company – must clearly inform a consumer that data is being collected and used for this purpose.
  • Choice – a company collecting and using online data for behavioural advertising must provide a mechanism for users to decline behavioural advertising and where applicable seek a consumer’s consent (where data protection law or specific regulatory guidance applies).
  • Education – a company collecting and using online data for behavioural advertising must provide consumers with clear and simple information about their use of data for this purpose and how users can decline.

Phil Jones, assistant commissioner, director of data protection practice at the ICO, said: “We are pleased that the online advertising industry has come together to produce these guidelines.

“Given the understandable concerns of consumers about the extent to which their online activity is monitored and the importance of consumer trust, a joined-up approach to promoting transparency, choice and education makes good sense.”

Signatories to the Principles will have to comply within six months. During this time the IAB will develop policies and procedures – including a suitable independent element – for managing compliance and handling valid complaints from consumers.

Signatories have launched a website, www.youronlinechoices.co.uk, where consumers can find out more about behavioural targeting and the IAB Principles.

Kent Ertugrul, founder & CEO, Phorm, said: “Phorm is delighted to be one of the founding signatories of the IAB’s Good Practice Principles for behavioural targeting.

“We believe these principles represent a world first: industry leading the way in consumer education, empowerment and choice in online advertising. Phorm believes these principles set the basis for notice and consent for behavioural targeting going forward.”

The companies currently signed-up to the IAB Good Practice Principles are: AOL, Audience Science, Platform A, Google, Microsoft, Advertising, NebuAd, Phorm, Specific Media, Yahoo! SARL, and Wunderloop.

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