
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2009

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2009

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The latest ABC figures show that the national daily newspaper market fell 4.6% year on year in February.

There was a large year on year drop in circulation for the Independent, while the Daily Mirror and Daily Record also suffered.

There was good news for the Daily Star, however, which bucked the trend and saw a year on year rise of around 8%.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – February 2009
Daily Titles Feb-08 Feb-09 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 866,693 821,943 -44,750 -5.2
Financial Times 448,342 421,026 -27,316 -6.1
Guardian 355,634 340,238 -15,396 -4.3
Independent 252,435 205,964 -46,471 -18.4
Times 613,068 607,775 -5,293 -0.9
Mid Market        
Daily Express 736,634 715,280 -21,354 -2.9
Daily Mail 2,294,880 2,218,547 -76,333 -3.3
Daily Mirror 1,500,543 1,326,628 -173,915 -11.6
Daily Record 394,189 349,127 -45,062 -11.4
Daily Star 723,905 780,742 56,837 7.9
Sun 3,077,060 2,954,298 -122,762 -4.0
Total Daily 11,263,383 10,741,568 -521,815 -4.6

Quality Daily Titles

In the Quality sector, the Independent was down by around 18.5% year on year, leaving its circulation at under 206,000 copies.

The Daily Telegraph shed 5.2% of its circulation year on year, leaving its total at under 822,000 copies, while the Financial Times was also down, by around 6% over the same period, to 421,000 copies.

The Guardian now has a circulation of more than 340,000 copies, following a fall of 4.3% year on year.

There was a slight dip in the Times‘ circulation, of around 1%, leaving its total at under 608,000 copies.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

The Mid-Market saw both the Daily Mail and the Daily Express suffer year on year declines.

The Daily Mail lost 3.3% of its circulation year on year, leaving it at 2.2 million, while the Daily Express was down 2.9% year on year, to around 715,000.

Popular Daily Titles

It was not all bad news for daily newspapers, with the Daily Star enjoying a boost of around 8% to its circulation year on year.

It now has a total circulation figure of just under 781,000 copies.

The Daily Mirror and Daily Record were not so fortunate, as they both suffered year on year declines of around 11.5%.

The Daily Mirror‘s circulation now stands at 1.3 million, while the Daily Record‘s is around 349,000.

The Sun, meanwhile, dropped to under three million following a 4% but remains the nation’s number one newspaper.

Sunday Newspaper Market

It was a bad month for the Sunday newspaper market once again, down by 5.7% overall in February.

The vast majority of titles were down, with only one title recording a slight year on year percentage increase.

A number of titles also suffered significant declines, notably the Independent on Sunday, which has lost a fifth of its circulation over the past year.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – February 2009
Sunday Titles Feb-08 Feb-09 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 228,012 179,487 -48,525 -21.3
Observer 464,005 430,341 -33,664 -7.3
Sunday Times 1,206,247 1,214,254 8,007 0.7
Sunday Telegraph 633,193 595,029 -38,164 -6.0
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,203,642 2,184,982 -18,660 -0.8
Sunday Express 676,165 635,846 -40,319 -6.0
Daily Star Sunday. 366,523 360,143 -6,380 -1.7
News Of The World 3,281,287 3,019,928 -261,359 -8.0
People 653,909 585,527 -68,382 -10.5
Sunday Mirror 1,348,395 1,226,062 -122,333 -9.1
Total Sunday 11,061,378 10,431,599 -629,779 -5.7

Quality Sunday Titles

The Independent on Sunday suffered badly in February, falling by over 21% to leave its total circulation under 180,000.

The Observer and the Sunday Telegraph also experienced declines, down by 7.3% and 6% year on year respectively.

The Observer‘s circulation now stands at around 430,000, while the Sunday Telegraph‘s is down to below 600,000.

However, the Sunday Times was the only title in the overall Sunday market to record a percentage rise – up by 0.7% year on year to more than 1.2 million copies.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

A significant year on year decline of 6% leaves the Sunday Express‘ circulation at around 635,000, while the Mail on Sunday dipped just 0.8% to 2.1 million.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular sector, the People suffered a substantial year on year drop of 10.5%, taking it down to 585,000.

The Sunday Mirror witnessed a similar percentage decline, down by 9.1%, a real term loss of more than 122,000 copies, to 1.2 million.

The Daily Star Sunday dipped by the smallest amount in the Popular sector, down by just 1.7% year on year to around 360,000.

The News of the World can still boast a circulation of more than three million, despite seeing an 8% year on year drop (around 260,000 copies).

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Sep 2008 – Feb 2009
Daily Titles Sep 07 – Feb 08 Sep 08 – Feb 09 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 881,071 836,541 -44,530 -5.1
Financial Times 445,825 436,334 -9,491 -2.1
Guardian 362,280 350,110 -12,170 -3.4
Independent 242,679 207,466 -35,213 -14.5
Times 633,332 619,599 -13,733 -2.2
Mid Market        
Daily Express 769,576 735,498 -34,078 -4.4
Daily Mail 2,329,396 2,200,224 -129,172 -5.5
Daily Mirror 1,525,011 1,385,202 -139,809 -9.2
Daily Record 397,528 362,075 -35,453 -8.9
Daily Star 753,304 734,597 -18,707 -2.5
Sun 3,114,496 3,040,856 -73,640 -2.4
Total Daily 11,454,498 10,908,502 -545,996 -4.77
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Sep 2008 – Feb 2009
Sunday Titles Sep 07 – Feb 08 Sep 08 – Feb 09 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 213,505 172,850 -40,655 -19.0
Observer 459,840 439,501 -20,339 -4.4
Sunday Times 1,220,277 1,208,932 -11,345 -0.9
Sunday Telegraph 635,968 614,260 -21,708 -3.4
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,300,130 2,186,010 -114,120 -5.0
Sunday Express 698,564 652,324 -46,240 -6.6
Daily Star Sunday. 412,616 357,806 -54,810 -13.3
News Of The World 3,306,354 3,104,305 -202,049 -6.1
People 685,118 602,367 -82,751 -12.1
Sunday Mirror 1,373,205 1,257,313 -115,892 -8.4
Total Sunday 11,305,577 10,595,668 -709,909 -6.3

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