
Emap Inform could charge users to access content

Emap Inform could charge users to access content

Emap B2B publisher Emap Inform is to charge users to access its websites, starting from September or October this year.

Simon Middelboe, Emap Inform chief executive, told Press Gazzette: “I think we will be moving away from free content towards having paywalls on all of our print subscription titles over the next few months.”

Some content would still be free to view, “but not anything like as much [as] now”, he said. The company is currently adjusting its content management system to allow it put up subscription barriers, he added.

Several media companies have recently come out in favour of erecting payment barriers around some of their content.

Publishers such as News International (see Murdoch set to charge for online content) and Guardian Media Group (see Guardian could charge for online content) are reported to be investigating paid-for models.

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