
NRS unveils rebrand

NRS unveils rebrand

New NRS Logo The National Readership Survey has unveiled new-look branding today – the culmination of a six-month review.

The review was carried out by CEO Mike Ironside in association with partners including Yarrington and Ignition.

“The logo is designed to reflect the importance of NRS survey data and its place in the media measurement space, while the blue and white combination gives NRS standout from similar media measurement organisations,” the NRS said in a statement.

The rebrand will be followed later in the summer by further developments, including a new website..

Ironside said: “Not only does the new logo explicitly reintroduce the business as National Readership Survey, it is also a versatile identity with the flexibility to cover all of our communication needs.

“I believe the branding gives a more contemporary feel to an organisation that is undergoing a root-and-branch refresh and review.”

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