
iPhone searches lead the way this Christmas

iPhone searches lead the way this Christmas

The Internet
Mobile devices and electronics in general dominated internet searches in the run up to peak shopping season. According to data released by digital research service Experian Hitwise, UK Internet visits to consumer electronics websites increased by 16.5% between October 2009 and November 2009.

Robin Goad, director of research for Experian Hitwise in the UK, said “UK Internet visits to consumer electronics retail websites always increase in the run-up to Christmas and this year they peaked during the week ending December 5th – a week closer to Christmas than compared to the last couple of years.”

Top 10 Most Searched For Products
Rank Top 10 Most Searched For Products
1 Apple iPhone
2 Apple iPod Touch
3 Microsoft Xbox 360
4 Nintendo Wii
5 Sony Playstation 3
6 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
7 Nintendo DS Lite
8 GHD Hair Straightners
9 Apple iPod Nano
10 Go Go Hamsters

Unsurprisingly the Apple iPhone was the most searched for product, followed closely by iPod Touch. Gaming was a high priority amongst internet shopping with all major consoles featured in the top ten with Nintendo’s handheld device, the DS, also appearing in the list. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 was more sought after than Nintendo’s Wii, which had been the most searched for console for some time. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the gaming equivalent of the Hollywood blockbuster, is the only game to feature. Despite already massive sales the game is still highly popular, helped by the fact it is available on all three consoles.

Among the obvious consoles, phones and MP3 players there were additions in the shape of Zhu Zhu’s Go Go Hamsters. The toys, which have become the surprise hit of the year, were overall the tenth most searched for product, making up for 0.45% of all products searched for last week. Toys and hobbies picked up by 18.9% over the month.

Mobile phones were the dominating category in the first week of December, accounting for 14.4% of all searches. In the top ten product types electronics featured heavily, lead by mobile phone searches and including video games, consoles, laptops and cameras.

Top 10 Most Searched For Product Types
Rank Top 10 Most Searched For Product Types
1 Mobile Phones
2 Toys & Hobbies
3 Video Games
4 Games Consoles
5 Laptops
6 Cameras
7 MP3 Players
8 Televisions
9 Grooming Products
10 Home Appliances Misc

“UK consumers are clearly holding out more for bargains this year and have been prepared to order online later,” said Robin Goad, commenting on the delay in peak searches this year. “The week ending December 5th was also the peak in online product searches, so searches for products during that week are a great indicator as to the hottest gifts this Christmas.”

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