
Google TV on Samsung and LG TVs?

Google TV on Samsung and LG TVs?

Google TV
Rumours abound today that Samsung and possibly LG are due to team up with Google TV in 2012, with reports that LG’s will be first displayed at CES 2012 in Las Vegas in January and Samsung shortly after.

Speaking at yesterday’s MediaTel Group “Internet Comes to TV 3” event in association with Rovi, Nigel Walley revealed that he had seen the next version of Google TV and “for those who understand it, it’s not good enough. For those who don’t understand it, they wouldn’t buy it.”

David Brennan, founder of Media Native, explained that Google TV went with a “what do you want” approach – a sit forward internet approach, but that doesn’t tend to work for a lean-back sofa environment as watching TV has a very different consumer mindset to internet surfing.

However Jon Hewson, advertising business director EMEA, Rovi, said that we should not underestimate Google, and in light of the Samsung and LG potential deals, this could be wise advice.

Samsung and LG will hope that if a deal is finalised that the business fares better than Logitech’s partnership, which ended with more Revue set top boxes being returned than sold and a financial loss on each set top box sale.

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