
BBC iPlayer launches Live Restart

BBC iPlayer launches Live Restart

Viewing live TV on BBC iPlayer will be better than ever with the launch of Live Restart, which enables audiences to rewind and restart live TV on BBC iPlayer without waiting for the programme to end.

Launching today, Live Restart on iPlayer via a PC allows viewers with one click to either restart the live programme they are currently watching, or scroll back to watch programmes from the previous two hours.

A first in the UK, this new feature builds on BBC iPlayer’s strategy of moving beyond catch-up and make watching live content even better online.

With live requests making up over 22% of total BBC iPlayer requests on the PC in April 2012, an increase of 18 percent on April 2011, the BBC is seeing significant growth in demand for live content on BBC iPlayer.

Dave Price, Head of BBC iPlayer says: “We all know how frustrating it is when you’re stuck in a traffic jam, or delayed on the tube, missing the critical start of your favourite BBC programme. Live Restart solves this by giving audiences control. With one simple click of a button viewers can skip back to the beginning of a live programme, ensuring they never miss a moment of their favourite BBC programmes.”

Later this year, the BBC will bring Live Restart to BBC iPlayer on mobiles, tablets and internet connected TVs.

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