
ABC consumer magazine headlines Jul-Dec 2008

ABC consumer magazine headlines Jul-Dec 2008

ABC Logo ABC consumer magazine figures for July to December 2008 show that Shortlist remains on top of the men’s lifestyle sector, while Glamour and Take A Break have the highest circulations in the women’s monthly and weekly sectors respectively.

Shortlist, the men’s free weekly title, increased its circulation by around 5% period on period to around 506,000 copies to lead the men’s lifestyle sector, while fellow free mag Sport, with a circulation of more than 317,000 copies, is in second place.

Conde Nast’s Glamour remained relatively static year on year at almost 548,000 copies, although it was down by 0.7% period on period.

At second place in the women’s monthlies, John Lewis’ in-store magazine Source has a circulation of around 505,000 copies.

Looking at the women’s weeklies, Take a Break once again reigns supreme, with a circulation of more than 943,000 copies, although it dipped by 4% period on period and 6% year on year.

While second placed Closer saw a year on year drop of 1.5%, it was up period on period by 2.4%, giving it a total circulation of 540,000 copies.

Skymag, given away to all Sky subscribers, has the highest circulation of any consumer magazine at 7.2 million copies, although it was down by just over 3% period on period and 0.5% year on year.

Of the actively purchased titles, TV listings guides proved popular once more, with TV Choice and What’s on TV battling for top spot.

TV Choice, with a circulation of 1.37 million copies, is slightly ahead of What’s on TV at 1.32 million, although both suffered dips in their circulations.

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 February 2009. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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