
ABC Jul-Dec 2003: Computing Titles Slump

ABC Jul-Dec 2003: Computing Titles Slump

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 February 2003. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see NewsLine.

The latest ABC results for the six months to December 2003 reveal a poor performance for computing magazines, which saw circulation decline across the board. Dennis Publishing’s Computer Shopper suffered a 6.0% year on year decline to 103,429 and its Mac User magazine dipped by 8.2% during the same period to 23,251.

However, last year Dennis Publishing extended its computer magazine portfolio with the launch of a new monthly title called Custom PC. The magazine is intended for PC enthusiasts looking to upgrade their systems and develop their computer hardware (see Dennis Launches New Computer Title).

Crimson Publishing’s What Laptop and Handheld PC also had a less than impressive period with circulation declining by 1.7% year on year to 25,107, down from 25,549 in the same period the previous year.

Computing Magazines: Jul-Dec2003 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 02 Jul-Dec 03 Actual Change % Ch
Computer Buyer Dennis Publishing 41,234 36,039 -5,195 -12.6
Computer Shopper Dennis Publishing 110,035 103,429 -6,606 -6.0
MacUser Dennis Publishing 25,315 23,251 -2,064 -8.2
PC Pro Dennis Publishing 121,189 110,326 -10,863 -9.0
What Laptop And Handheld PC Crimson Publishing 25,549 25,107 -442 -1.7
Total   323,322 298,152 -25,170 -7.8

Titles dedicated to the PlayStation 2 games console had a rough ride in the latest round of ABCs for the six months to December 2003. Future Publishing’s PSM2 was the worst hit with a sharp 37.6% year on year decline in circulation to 43,684.

Future stablemate PlayStation 2 Special Edition also performed poorly with circulation dropping by 45.8% year on year to 22,677 and Max: PlayStation 2 Gaming fell by 34.9% during the same period to 13,175.

Things were more positive for magazines relating to Microsoft’s XBox. FXM International’s Official UK Xbox Magazine saw circulation rise by an impressive 43.1% year on year to 82,732 and Highbury Entertainment’s XBM increased by 9.6% during the same period to 30,036. However, its sister title, Xpert, dipped by 19.1% year on year to 8,936.

Dennis Publishing’s Computer and Video Games, which covers consoles, PCs, handhelds and the internet, saw circulation dip by 15.8% year on year to 27,810. Meanwhile, Future’s multi-format Gamesmaster declined by 17.4% during the same period to 53,902 despite comprehensive coverage of games for PSX, PS2, Nintendo and PCs.

Gaming Magazines: Jul-Dec 2003 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 02 Jul-Dec 03 Actual Change % Ch
Computer and Video Games Dennis Publishing 33,033 27,810 -5,223 -15.8
Edge Future Publishing 28,126 27,318 -808 -2.9
Games Master Future Publishing 65,231 53,902 -11,329 -17.4
NGC Magazine Future Publishing 38,539 27,058 -11,481 -29.8
Nintendo Official Magazine Emap Active 51,096 50,245 -851 -1.7
Official Playstation 2 Future Publishing 197,348 188,322 -9,026 -4.6
Official Playstation Magazine Future Publishing 50,185 n/a n/a n/a
Official UK Xbox Magazine FXM International 57,809 82,732 24,923 43.1
P2 Highbury Entertainment 21,083 19,550 -1,533 -7.3
PC Gamer Future Publishing 76,059 64,070 -11,989 -15.8
PC Zone Dennis Publishing 51,088 45,018 -6,070 -11.9
Play Highbury Entertainment 58,553 57,060 -1,493 -2.5
Playstation 2 Special Edition Future Publishing 41,804 22,677 -19,127 -45.8
Playstation 2 Official Tips Future Publishing 22,020 n/a n/a n/a
Max: Playstation 2 Gaming (was Playstation 2 Max) Future Publishing 20,249 13,175 -7,074 -34.9
Playstation World Computec Media 76,293 66,525 -9,768 -12.8
PSM2 Future Publishing 70,049 43,684 -26,365 -37.6
XBM Highbury Entertainment 27,393 30,036 2,643 9.6
XBox Gamer FXM International 23,033 20,573 -2,460 -10.7
Xbox World (N) Future Publishing n/a 22,310 n/a n/a
Xpert Highbury Entertainment 11,051 8,936 -2,115 -19.1
Total   1,020,042 871,001 -149,041 -14.6

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