
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – January 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – January 2004

The Independent and the Times are continuing to see circulation increase following the launch of their tabloid editions, which appear to be denting the growth of their main broadsheet rivals.

The latest ABC circulation figures for January show that the Independent saw sales rise by a solid 4.7% month on month to just under 250,000. The Times also got the year off to a good start with a 3.8% increase during the same period to 660,713.

The Independent launched its compact edition last September for commuters within the M25 region looking for an upmarket read in a smaller format. However, the launch proved so successful that the tabloid version was quickly extended to the rest of the country.

Earlier this month the title completely ditched its broadsheet edition in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and South-West England, in a move that many believe brings it a step closer to becoming fully tabloid.

The Times was quick to follow in the Independent‘s footsteps with the launch of its own compact version at the end of November. It also recently unveiled plans to extend the availability of its tabloid version in a move that will take its total print run to over 250,000.

The popularity of the compact format appears to be denting the growth of rival broadsheet newspapers. The Guardian only managed a modest 2.2% month on month rise in circulation in January and the Daily Telegraph remained virtually static with a nominal 0.3% increase during the same period to 914,981.

However, both the Guardian and the Telegraph are understood to be considering launching their own tabloids editions and reports suggest they have mock-ups ready to go to press.

Meanwhile in the tabloid sector, the Daily Mirror saw circulation increase by 1.0% during January to 1,919,125. However, this was overshadowed by News International’s Sun, which recorded a healthy 4.1% increase over the same period to just over 3.4 million as Rebekah Wade began her second year as editor.

Richard Desmond’s Daily Express recorded a healthy 5.5% increase in circulation during January to just under the 1,000,000 mark and Lord Rothermere’s Daily Mail rose by 3.2% to 2,485,210. The rival newspaper publishers are currently involved in a bidding war to take control of the Telegraph titles as Hollinger International seeks to break itself up (see Desmond Mounts Two Pronged Attack On Telegraph Titles).

National Newspaper January 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Dec 2003 Jan 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 287,299 306,683 19,384 6.7
Daily Express 906,375 956,649 50,274 5.5
Daily Mail 2,407,857 2,485,210 77,353 3.2
Daily Mirror 1,900,155 1,919,125 18,970 1.0
Daily Record 485,654 503,077 17,423 3.6
Daily Star 828,933 901,879 72,946 8.8
Daily Star Sunday 463,964 556,751 92,787 20.0
Daily Telegraph 911,795 914,981 3,186 0.3
Financial Times 447,552 422,543 -25,009 -5.6
Guardian 375,073 383,157 8,084 2.2
Independent 237,816 248,876 11,060 4.7
Independent On Sunday 205,867 206,087 220 0.1
Mail On Sunday 2,328,180 2,364,156 35,976 1.5
News Of The World 3,698,604 3,845,373 146,769 4.0
Observer 443,706 459,804 16,098 3.6
People 1,042,857 1,055,810 12,953 1.2
Racing Post 77,473 75,632 -1,841 -2.4
Sport First (Sunday) 25,325 25,218 -107 -0.4
Sun 3,276,554 3,410,701 134,147 4.1
Sunday Express 862,651 930,001 67,350 7.8
Sunday Mirror 1,530,151 1,674,454 144,303 9.4
Sunday Sport 171,779 178,740 6,961 4.1
Sunday Telegraph 699,466 695,522 -3,944 -0.6
Sunday Times 1,353,919 1,370,051 16,132 1.2
Times 636,331 660,713 24,382 3.8
Total 25,605,336 26,551,193 921,475 3.7

Quality Titles

The Business was one of the few quality titles to experience any upward movement in the six months to January with circulation improving by 166.6% year on year to 239,206. However, the Mail On Sunday recently ended its distribution deal with the financial title in a move that could have a significant impact on sales (see Associated Ends Distribution Deal With The Business).

The Independent recorded a healthy 4.7% year on year improvement in circulation thanks largely to its tabloid edition. However, the Times dipped by 7.0% during the same period with the full benefit of its compact launch yet to be seen.

Quality Market Aug 03 – Jan 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 02 – Jan 03 Aug 03 – Jan 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 89,738 239,206 149,468 166.6
Daily Telegraph 972,619 920,492 -52,127 -5.4
Financial Times 449,854 432,206 -17,648 -3.9
Guardian 400,983 385,583 -15,400 -3.8
Independent 222,355 232,699 10,344 4.7
Independent On Sunday 222,892 210,958 -11,934 -5.4
Observer 466,130 461,459 -4,671 -1.0
Sunday Telegraph 771,461 710,066 -61,395 -8.0
Sunday Times 1,390,522 1,370,773 -19,749 -1.4
Times 683,463 635,473 -47,990 -7.0
Total 5,670,017 5,598,915 -71,102 -2.5

Mid Market Titles

The Daily Mail was the only mid market title to see circulation increase in the six months to January with a slight 0.7% year on year increase to 2,463,543. Richard Desmond’s Daily Express dipped by 2.8% during the same period to 965,613.

Mid Market Aug 03 – Jan 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug 02 – Jan 03 Aug 03 – Jan 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 993,532 965,613 -27,919 -2.8
Daily Mail 2,447,559 2,463,543 15,984 0.7
Mail On Sunday 2,376,266 2,369,173 -7,093 -0.3
Sunday Express 977,430 944,762 -32,668 -3.3
Total 6,794,787 6,743,091 -51,696 -0.8

Popular Market

Richard Desmond’s Daily Star continued to go from strength to strength in the tabloid market with an impressive 15.9% year on year increase in circulation to 891,653. News International’s Sun proved less fortunate with a 4.9% decline during the same period, but this was overshadowed by a sharper 8.0% fall for the Daily Mirror.

Sport First was among the worst performers in the popular market with a 32.7% decline in circulation to below the 30,000 mark. Trinity Mirror’s People also suffered with a 12.0% drop to 1,078,354 in the six months to January.

Popular Market Aug 03 – Jan 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Aug 03 – Jan 04 Aug 03 – Jan 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,101,925 1,934,216 -167,709 -8.0
Daily Record 535,162 503,145 -32,017 -6.0
Daily Star 769,650 891,653 122,003 15.9
Daily Star Sunday n/a 534,156 n/a n/a
News Of The World 3,979,979 3,907,549 -72,430 -1.8
People 1,225,222 1,078,354 -146,868 -12.0
Racing Post 79,518 78,623 -895 -1.1
Sport First 41,734 28,082 -13,652 -32.7
Sun 3,611,541 3,434,552 -176,989 -4.9
Sunday Mirror 1,726,399 1,613,439 -112,960 -6.5
Sunday Sport 187,555 181,159 -6,396 -3.4
Total 14,258,685 14,184,928 -73,757 -0.5

Metro Titles

The six months to December 2003 proved a positive period for the Associated Newspaper-owned Metro titles, which saw their overall distribution increase by 7.4% year on year to 893,554. The London edition of the free-sheet saw the most upward movement with a 1.4% rise in distribution to 451,696.

Last month Metro UK announced plans to expand its network of free-sheet newspapers to a further five cities across the country, in a move that will boost the paper’s overall circulation to around 1 million (see Metro UK Launches New Editions In Five New Cities).

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Jan 03 – Jan 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jan-03 Jan-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 394,932 451,696 56,764 14.4
Metro (Metro North East) 52,564 54,042 1,478 2.8
Metro (MetroMidlands) 84,489 84,847 358 0.4
Metro (MetroScot) 117,472 118,519 1,047 0.9
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,155 75,406 -1,251 1.7
Metro (NorthWest) 108,438 109,044 606 0.6
Total Metro 832,050 893,554 61,504 7.4
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthy data is currently unavailable

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