
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: June 2008

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: June 2008

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The latest national newspaper ABC figures show that the daily national newspaper market was down by 2.7% year on year overall in June.

Just two of the daily newspapers featured in our report – the Sun and the FT – managed to avoid a fall in their circulations.

There was a relatively large dip for the Daily Star, of around 8% year on year.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2008
Daily Titles Jun-07 Jun-08 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 891,768 865,400 -26,368 -3.0
Financial Times 444,763 445,756 993 0.2
Guardian 363,562 347,183 -16,379 -4.5
Independent 238,291 233,973 -4,318 -1.8
Times 633,850 611,384 -22,466 -3.5
Mid Market        
Daily Express 770,403 742,324 -28,079 -3.6
Daily Mail 2,303,438 2,231,120 -72,318 -3.1
Daily Mirror 1,565,711 1,472,286 -93,425 -6.0
Daily Record 404,110 390,130 -13,980 -3.5
Daily Star 795,891 733,244 -62,647 -7.9
Sun 3,064,376 3,089,321 24,945 0.8
Total Daily 11,476,163 11,162,121 -314,042 -2.7

Quality Daily Titles

In the Quality sector, the only title not to see its circulation suffer in June was the Financial Times, which remained relatively static year on year at around 446,000.

The Guardian suffered the largest year on year percentage drop in the qualities, of 4.5%, to leave its total at just over 347,000 copies.

The Daily Telegraph and the Times were both down year on year, by 3% and 3.5% respectively.

The Daily Telegraph‘s circulation now stands at more than 865,000 copies, while the Times now has a total of over 611,000.

A year on year dip of just under 2% leaves the Independent with a circulation of almost 234,000.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

Both titles in the Mid-Market saw shrinking circulations in June, with the Daily Express and Daily Mail shedding around 28,000 and 72,000 copies from their totals respectively.

The Daily Mail‘s circulation remains impressive however, at more than 2.2 million copies, while the Daily Express‘s stands at over 742,000.

Popular Daily Titles

June was another good month for the Sun, posting an increase in its total of around 1%, or 25,000 copies year on year. It now has a circulation of almost 3.1 million.

The rest of the popular dailies had a rougher time though, with the Daily Mirror down by 6% year on year and the Daily Star down by around 8%.

Those dips mean that the Daily Star now has a total circulation of 733,000 copies while the Mirror‘s is nearer to 1.5 million.

The Daily Record‘s circulation is just over 390,000 following a decline in real terms of just under 14,000 copies.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday market was down by 4.6% year on year overall for the month, with no Sunday titles in our report boosting their circulations.

The Independent on Sunday saw the largest overall percentage decline in circulation, down 15%, shortly followed by the People, down 13%.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2008
Sunday Titles Jun-07 Jun-08 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 245,952 209,561 -36,391 -14.8
Observer 451,425 437,798 -13,627 -3.0
Sunday Times 1,173,956 1,148,287 -25,669 -2.2
Sunday Telegraph 652,497 632,244 -20,253 -3.1
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,276,107 2,204,058 -72,049 -3.2
Sunday Express 743,327 677,053 -66,274 -8.9
Daily Star Sunday. 394,920 378,954 -15,966 -4.0
News Of The World 3,269,483 3,170,181 -99,302 -3.0
People 736,438 639,771 -96,667 -13.1
Sunday Mirror 1,411,428 1,336,918 -74,510 -5.3
Total Sunday 11,355,533 10,834,825 -520,708 -4.6

Quality Sunday Titles

In the Quality sector, the Independent on Sunday saw a relatively large decline, down by around 36,000 copies year on year to 210,000.

The Observer and Sunday Telegraph were both down by around 3% year on year – leaving the Observer‘s circulation at around 438,000 and the Sunday Telegraph‘s at around 630,000 copies.

The Sunday Times fell by around 2% year on year, taking its circulation to around 1.1 million copies.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

In the Sunday Mid-Market, the Sunday Express lost more than 66,000 copies year on year.

It now had a circulation of around 677,000 following a substantial 9% decline, while The Mail On Sunday remains steady with 2.2 million following a 3% dip.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular sector, the People was down 13% year on year, or 97,000 copies, leaving its total at under 640,000. The title appointed Lloyd Embley as editor in June, six months after he took over as acting editor (see People Appoints New Editor).

The News Of The World continues to have the highest circulation of the Sunday titles, at 3.1 million copies, although it fell 3% year on year.

The Sunday Mirror was down 5% year on year, giving it a circulation of around 1.3 million copies.

Following a drop of 4%, the Daily Star Sunday now has a circulation of around 379,000.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jan 2008 – Jun 2008
Daily Titles Jan 06 – Jun 07 Jan 07 – Jun 08 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 897,430 871,094 -26,336 -2.9
Financial Times 449,984 449,260 -724 -0.2
Guardian 368,638 356,350 -12,288 -3.3
Independent 251,525 244,120 -7,405 -2.9
Times 640,893 620,059 -20,834 -3.3
Mid Market        
Daily Express 764,475 737,922 -26,553 -3.5
Daily Mail 2,322,175 2,291,722 -30,453 -1.3
Daily Mirror 1,561,825 1,487,034 -74,791 -4.8
Daily Record 406,846 394,139 -12,707 -3.1
Daily Star 778,831 726,706 -52,125 -6.7
Sun 3,073,046 3,120,512 47,466 1.5
Total Daily 11,515,668 11,298,918 -216,750 -1.88
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jan 2008 – Jun 2008
Sunday Titles Jan 06 – Jun 07 Jan 07 – Jun 08 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 235,201 219,226 -15,975 -6.8
Observer 451,316 452,078 762 0.2
Sunday Times 1,230,790 1,193,450 -37,340 -3.0
Sunday Telegraph 656,234 632,803 -23,431 -3.6
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,280,675 2,241,637 -39,038 -1.7
Sunday Express 769,345 679,004 -90,341 -11.7
Daily Star Sunday. 383,302 369,420 -13,882 -3.6
News Of The World 3,315,976 3,207,103 -108,873 -3.3
People 736,417 653,308 -83,109 -11.3
Sunday Mirror 1,400,384 1,344,770 -55,614 -4.0
Total Sunday 11,459,640 10,992,799 -466,841 -4.1

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