
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – May 2005

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – May 2005


Daily Newspaper Market

Britain’s national newspapers continued to see wide-ranging circulation decline throughout May, with the market as a whole shedding 3.54% of sales year on year.

The newspaper industry was not completely downbeat, however, with compact titles the Times and Independent seeing an upturn in their fortunes. The Times performed particularly well, adding 5% to its circulation year on year, pushing the paper’s total to 684,695 in the face of numerous declines across the market.

Rival compact title, the Independent, managed a 0.8% increase in circulation over the same period, totaling 263,043 but remaining the lowest circulating title in the Quality sector.

Elsewhere, the Telegraph secured a circulation increase of 0.8%, retaining its position as the best-selling quality title with sales of 915,711.

Meanwhile, the nation’s Mid Market and Popular titles continued to see their circulations slip, with the Daily Record clocking up the largest decline at 6.3% year on year.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2005
Daily Titles May-04 May-05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 908,265 915,711 7,446 0.8
Financial Times 440,933 431,287 -9,646 -2.2
Guardian 389,400 372,562 -16,838 -4.3
Independent 261,009 263,043 2,034 0.8
Times 652,264 684,695 32,431 5.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 938,525 898,396 -40,129 -4.3
Daily Mail 2,423,376 2,359,003 -64,373 -2.7
Daily Mirror 1,846,734 1,780,554 -66,180 -3.6
Daily Record 499,354 467,857 -31,497 -6.3
Daily Star 883,084 863,083 -20,001 -2.3
Sun 3,360,662 3,230,332 -130,330 -3.9
Total Daily 9,951,735 9,599,225 -352,510 -3.54

Quality Daily Titles

The Times put in the best performance of all Quality titles during May, adding 5% to its total circulation despite a depressed newspaper market. The title now commands sales of 684,695, although it remains in second place to the market-leading Daily Telegraph, which added 0.8% to its circulation in the same period.

The Telegraph‘s circulation now sits at 915,711, as the title continues to narrow the gap on the elusive one million mark.

Elsewhere, the Independent put in a good performance, staving off circulation decline with the addition of 0.8% to its circulation, now resting at 263,043, while the Guardian and Financial Times both lost heavily, shedding 4.3% and 2.2% respectively.

Mid Market Daily Titles

The Mid Market was similarly depressed, with market-leading Daily Mail losing 2.7% of its circulation year on year to 2.35 million. The Daily Express also lost out, shedding 4.3% of its sales over the same period to 898,396.

Popular Daily Titles

The nation’s tabloid titles told a similar tale of woe, with declines in circulation across the board. The Daily Record was the worst hit, losing 6.3% year on year to push the paper’s total down to 467,857.

Elsewhere the Daily Mirror lost 3.6%, while arch-rival the Sun shed 3.9%. The titles now command circulations of 1.78 million and 3.23 million, with the Sun maintaining its market-leading position regardless of the decline.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market was similarly depressed, losing 4.7% in circulations overall, as only one title managed to avoid negative growth.

The Sunday Times aped the performance of its weekday counterpart to avoid circulation decline, notching up a 1.4% increase in sales year on year, further cementing its position as the best selling Sunday quality title.

Depression was evident in all other areas, with declines across the board in both the Mid Market and Popular markets.

The Daily Star Sunday was the worst hit of all titles, losing 19.3% of its overall circulation year on year, while market leaders the News of the World and Mail on Sunday lost 5.1% and 3.3% to 3.65 million and 2.25 million respectively.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2005
Sunday Titles May-04 May-05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 210,660 206,607 -4,053 -1.9
Observer 445,943 441,802 -4,141 -0.9
Sunday Times 1,330,743 1,349,943 19,200 1.4
Sunday Telegraph 707,804 666,031 -41,773 -5.9
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,330,949 2,253,176 -77,773 -3.3
Sunday Express 952,240 919,416 -32,824 -3.4
Daily Star Sunday. 521,567 420,739 -100,828 -19.3
News Of The World 3,848,611 3,653,168 -195,443 -5.1
People 1,027,502 932,200 -95,302 -9.3
Sunday Mirror 1,565,778 1,545,789 -19,989 -1.3
Total Sunday 11,376,019 10,843,082 -532,937 -4.7

Quality Sunday Titles

The Sunday Times was the only Sunday title to avoid circulation decline during May, adding 1.4% to retain its position at as the nation’s best-selling Sunday broadsheet.

Meanwhile, the Independent on Sunday saw a 1.9% downturn in sales, pushing its total to 206,607, while the Sunday Telegraph shed 5.9% of its circulation in the same period to total 666,031.

The Observer was also looking glum, although its circulation slip of 0.9% was comparatively minor, denting its overall total by just over 4,000 in real terms.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

Both the Mail on Sunday and the Sunday Express saw declines in May, losing 3.3% and 3.4% respectively. The titles now command circulations of 2.2 million and 919,416.

Popular Sunday Titles

Britain’s popular newspapers saw some of the heaviest declines during May, with the Daily Star Sunday leading the way, shedding 19.3% of its circulation year on year.

The title now commands sales of 420,739, marking the lowest circulation of any Sunday newspaper.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Mirror lost 1.3% of its circulation to total 1.5 million, while market-leading News of the World retained its position in the top spot during May, despite a circulation decline of 5.1%. The title now commands sales of 3.6 million, making it the nation’s best-selling Sunday title.

Elsewhere the People suffered heavy declines, losing 9.3% of its circulation to total 932,200.

The latest ABC data is now available in the Press database on MediaTel.co.uk.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – December 2004 – May 2005
Daily Titles Dec 03 – May 04 Dec 04 – May 05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 914,863 911,171 -3,692 -0.6
Financial Times 440,529 427,129 -13,400 -3.0
Guardian 379,115 368,337 -10,778 -2.8
Independent 253,577 259,431 5,854 2.3
Times 652,864 676,196 23,332 3.6
Mid Market        
Daily Express 940,492 927,062 -13,430 -1.4
Daily Mail 2,421,411 2,379,941 -41,470 -1.7
Daily Mirror 1,893,801 1,730,901 -162,900 -8.6
Daily Record 495,463 467,790 -27,673 -5.6
Daily Star 887,859 847,618 -40,241 -4.5
Sun 3,352,644 3,262,105 -90,539 -2.7
Total Daily 9,991,670 9,615,417 -376,253 -3.77
National Newspaper ABC Figures – December 2004 – May 2005
Sunday Titles Dec 03 – May 04 Dec 04 – May 05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 208,792 207,761 -1,031 -0.5
Observer 450,593 444,075 -6,518 -1.4
Sunday Times 1,364,799 1,367,468 2,669 0.2
Sunday Telegraph 700,646 689,617 -11,029 -1.6
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,358,459 2,357,127 -1,332 -0.1
Sunday Express 934,587 961,062 26,475 2.8
Daily Star Sunday. 509,118 455,974 -53,144 -10.4
News Of The World 3,834,728 3,690,792 -143,936 -3.8
People 1,035,760 961,173 -74,587 -7.2
Sunday Mirror 1,595,075 1,552,086 -42,989 -2.7
Total Sunday 11,397,482 11,135,049 -262,433 -2.3

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