
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – November 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – November 2004

The Times saw its circulation rise during November, adding 3.2% on the previous month to give a total of just over 682,000 in its first full month as a tabloid-only newspaper, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations.

The newspaper ditched its broadsheet edition at the end of October, and while several media commentators suggested at the time that it risked angering traditionalist readers, the move seems to have paid off as the title extends its circulation and appears to have largely avoided criticism (see Times Under Fire As Compact Edition Goes National).

Elsewhere the Times‘ principal compact rival, the Independent, saw a dip in its circulation, losing 0.9% on October’s total to give an overall figure of 262,293. Both newspapers joined forces recently to create a study into compact newspapers, providing definitive research into the format and attempting to boost advertiser confidence (see Times And Independent Join For Tabloid Research Project).

The Guardian saw its circulation rise by 0.3% on October’s total, giving a circulation of just over 377,000 for November. The newspaper is expected to reduce its size next year, adopting a Berliner format between the compact and broadsheet formats. The move could prove advantageous for the paper, as it attempts to ape the success of the Times and the Independent‘s format changes (see Guardian Considers Midsize Edition To Boost Sales).

Things were less rosy amongst the nation’s tabloid titles, with the Daily Mirror losing 2.5% of its circulation to give a total of just over 2.4 million, while rival News International’s Sun lost 2.9% but remained ahead overall with a circulation of over 3.2 million.

The People also suffered last month, losing a sizeable 8.1% of its circulation to dip below the psychologically important 1 million mark. The title now commands a circulation of just over 931,000. The Daily Star also floundered, losing 6% to a total circulation of 846,169.

Elsewhere the Mail on Sunday saw a healthy circulation increase, adding 8.3% to give a total of over 2.5 million, while arch rival the Sunday Express suffered a 0.8% decline in circulation to dip below the 1 million mark.

National Newspaper November 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Oct 2004 Nov 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 208,980 218,576 9,596 4.6
Daily Express 960,320 892,533 -67,787 -7.1
Daily Mail 2,442,875 2,403,073 -39,802 -1.6
Daily Mirror 1,793,718 1,748,026 -45,692 -2.5
Daily Record 489,519 467,421 -22,098 -4.5
Daily Star 899,773 846,169 -53,604 -6.0
Daily Star Sunday. 485,416 467,445 -17,971 -3.7
Daily Telegraph 900,702 917,001 16,299 1.8
Financial Times 437,717 425,259 -12,458 -2.8
Football First (Sunday) 28,856 26,686 -2,170 -7.5
Guardian 376,314 377,292 978 0.3
Independent 264,594 262,293 -2,301 -0.9
Independent On Sunday 214,188 212,172 -2,016 -0.9
Mail On Sunday. 2,337,758 2,531,928 194,170 8.3
News Of The World 3,889,415 3,631,057 -258,358 -6.6
Observer 462,256 459,952 -2,304 -0.5
People 1,012,885 931,019 -81,866 -8.1
Racing Post 78,084 76,013 -2,071 -2.7
Sun 3,336,422 3,239,041 -97,381 -2.9
Sunday Express 1,003,586 996,049 -7,537 -0.8
Sunday Mirror 1,583,571 1,591,708 8,137 0.5
Sunday Sport 161,814 154,572 -7,242 -4.5
Sunday Telegraph 701,857 694,304 -7,553 -1.1
Sunday Times 1,369,765 1,363,512 -6,253 -0.5
Times 660,906 682,109 21,203 3.2
Total 26,101,291 25,615,210 -507,284 -1.9

Quality Titles

The Independent continued to perform well in the six months to November, adding 17.2% to its circulation and notching up a total of 263,209. The paper was joined by only two other quality titles in achieving growth, with The Business and compact rival the Times both striding confidently into positive figures.

The Business saw impressive growth of 22.8% in the six months to November, laying claim to a total circulation of 213,392, while the Times notched up an increase of 4.7%, recording a total circulation of 659,547.

At the other end of the scale the Guardian saw the largest downturn in circulation, losing 3.2% in the same period. The paper now commands a total of 375,780.

Quality Market Jun 04 – Nov 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jun 03 – Nov 03 Jun 04 – Nov 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 173,758 213,392 39,634 22.8
Daily Telegraph 922,112 907,266 -14,846 -1.6
Financial Times 437,808 426,279 -11,529 -2.6
Guardian 388,138 375,780 -12,358 -3.2
Independent 224,538 263,209 38,671 17.2
Independent On Sunday 214,273 212,938 -1,335 -0.6
Observer 457,822 451,337 -6,485 -1.4
Sunday Telegraph 710,924 696,918 -14,006 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,367,099 1,344,103 -22,996 -1.7
Times 630,131 659,547 29,416 4.7
Total 5,526,603 5,550,769 24,166 -2.5


Richard Desmond’s Sunday Express continued to perform well in the six months to November, adding 4% to its circulation to break the previously elusive 1 million mark. The paper was joined in positive growth by rival weekend title, the Mail on Sunday.

The DMGT-owned title added just 0.7% to its circulation in the six months to November, but fared better than its weekday counterpart which lost 1.8% in the same period. The Mail on Sunday currently commands a circulation of almost 2.4 million, while the Daily Mail rides slightly higher at 2.41 million.

Mid Market Jun 04 – Nov 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jun 03 – Nov 03 Jun 04 – Nov 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 972,745 938,361 -34,384 -3.5
Daily Mail 2,460,541 2,416,471 -44,070 -1.8
Mail On Sunday 2,370,644 2,387,804 17,160 0.7
Sunday Express 962,266 1,000,637 38,371 4.0
Total 6,766,196 6,743,273 -22,923 -0.3

Popular Titles

The popular newspaper market suffered circulation declines across the board during November, with the Sunday Sport sustaining the largest hit, losing 14.5% of its circulation in the six months to November to a total of just under 157,000.

The People also lost heavily, shedding 8.7% and teetering dangerously close to the 1 million mark. The Daily Mirror also failed to impress, dipping by 7.7% to arrive at a total circulation of just under 1.8 million.

Popular Market Jun 04 – Nov 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Jun 04 – Nov 04 Jun 04 – Nov 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 1,948,684 1,797,779 -150,905 -7.7
Daily Record 506,790 484,988 -21,802 -4.3
Daily Star 899,774 893,644 -6,130 -0.7
Daily Star Sunday. 529,475 489,160 -40,315 -7.6
Football First (Sunday) 26,588 25,409 -1,179 -4.4
News of the World 3,928,448 3,750,720 -177,728 -4.5
People 1,096,858 1,000,920 -95,938 -8.7
Racing Post 82,339 80,036 -2,303 -2.8
Sun 3,493,717 3,326,341 -167,376 -4.8
Sunday Mirror 1,623,292 1,593,058 -30,234 -1.9
Sunday Sport 183,014 156,528 -26,486 -14.5
Total 14,318,979 13,598,583 -720,396 -5.0

Metro Titles

Associated Newspapers’ Metro titles maintained their growth trend during November, adding 5.4% to their total certified distribution with only Metro Scotland and Metro North West seeing distribution decline.

The newspaper now enjoys a total distribution of just under 940,000, with the most growth achieved in London as the paper notched up a 10% increase.

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Nov 03 – Nov 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov-03 Nov-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 450,831 495,967 45,136 10.0
Metro (Metro North East) 53,663 54,120 457 0.9
Metro (MetroMidlands) 83,570 86,767 3,197 3.8
Metro (MetroScot) 118,449 117,837 -612 -0.5
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,957 75,803 846 1.1
Metro (NorthWest) 109,867 108,961 -906 -0.8
Total Metro 891,337 939,455 48,118 5.4
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthly data is currently unavailable

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