
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2007

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2007

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The latest ABC figures for the main daily national newspapers show that there was an overall fall in circulation of around 1% for November.

The Financial Times was the only Quality daily to enjoy an upturn in circulation, of more than 2.5% year on year.

In the Mid-Market, the Daily Mail performed admirably, adding around 32,400 copies to its total.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – November 2007
Daily Titles Nov-06 Nov-07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 901,238 882,873 -18,365 -2.0
Financial Times 432,980 444,880 11,900 2.7
Guardian 382,393 356,789 -25,604 -6.7
Independent 253,737 233,423 -20,314 -8.0
Times 653,780 636,946 -16,834 -2.6
Mid Market        
Daily Express 774,665 766,874 -7,791 -1.0
Daily Mail 2,295,101 2,327,507 32,406 1.4
Daily Mirror 1,549,573 1,518,881 -30,692 -2.0
Daily Record 408,293 393,593 -14,700 -3.6
Daily Star 769,226 753,476 -15,750 -2.0
Sun 3,072,828 3,078,388 5,560 0.2
Total Daily 11,493,814 11,393,630 -100,184 -0.9

Quality Daily Titles

The Financial Times was up by almost 12,000 copies year on year, taking its total to nearly 444,900.

There was a relatively large decline for the Guardian, which shed around 25,600 copies from its total. Its circulation now rests at almost 356,800.

The Independent fell by 8% year on year, leaving it with a circulation of more than 233,400.

Also down year on year were the Times and the Daily Telegraph, by around 2.5% and 2% respectively.

The Times now has a circulation of over 636, 900, while the Daily Telegraph‘s rests at almost 882,900.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

In the Mid-Market, the Daily Express saw its total fall by just under 7,800, to leave it at nearly 766,900.

There was better news for the Daily Mail, up by around 32,400 copies year on year to take its total to 2.3 million.

Popular Daily Titles

The Daily Mirror shed around 30,700 copies year on year, leaving its circulation at more than 1.5 million.

The Daily Record also suffered a year on year downturn, with a decline of around 3.5%. Its total now rests at almost 393,600.

The Daily Star was down by nearly 15,800 copies year on year, leaving it with a total figure of almost 753,500.

However, it was not all bad news, with the Sun remaining relatively static. Its circulation now stands at around three million.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market suffered a decline of around 3% for November, a real term decline of 357,100.

There was a big increase for Daily Star Sunday, while there were also increases for the Observer and the Sunday Mirror.

Both Mid-Market Sunday titles suffered a year on year fall, with the Sunday Express hit hardest.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – November 2007
Sunday Titles Nov-06 Nov-07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 212,892 203,369 -9,523 -4.5
Observer 448,076 454,374 6,298 1.4
Sunday Times 1,288,584 1,213,878 -74,706 -5.8
Sunday Telegraph 656,392 645,305 -11,087 -1.7
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,388,885 2,324,581 -64,304 -2.7
Sunday Express 758,443 687,253 -71,190 -9.4
Daily Star Sunday. 364,545 421,841 57,296 15.7
News Of The World 3,415,372 3,280,972 -134,400 -3.9
People 764,409 683,802 -80,607 -10.5
Sunday Mirror 1,333,255 1,358,370 25,115 1.9
Total Sunday 11,630,853 11,273,745 -357,108 -3.1

Quality Sunday Titles

The Observer was the only title in the Quality sector not to post a year on year fall. It was up by 1.5% to take its circulation to nearly 454,400.

The Sunday Times suffered a relatively large downturn, of around 74,700 copies year on year. Its circulation now stands at over 1.2 million.

The Sunday Telegraph also shed copies, with a drop of more than 1.5% leaving its total at just over 645,300.

The Independent On Sunday‘s circulation is now nearly 203,400 after a year on year fall of 4.5%.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

In the Mid-Market Sunday sector, the Sunday Express recorded a decline of almost 71,200 copies year on year, while the Mail On Sunday shed around 64,300 over the same period.

The Sunday Express now has a circulation of almost 687,300, whilst the Mail On Sunday boasts a total of over 2.3 million.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular Sunday sector, the News Of The World‘s circulation dropped to just under 3.3 million copies after a year on year fall of around 4%.

The People was also down year on year, by 10.5% to 683,800 copies.

There was a very healthy increase for the Daily Star Sunday, up more than 15.5% year on year, taking its total to over 421,800.

The Sunday Mirror also posted a year on year increase, and after a rise of around 2%, it now has a circulation of almost 1.4 million copies.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jun 2007 – Nov 2007
Daily Titles Jun 06 – Nov 06 Jun 07 – Nov 07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 899,923 887,747 -12,176 -1.4
Financial Times 431,242 439,185 7,943 1.8
Guardian 378,738 361,993 -16,745 -4.4
Independent 253,878 240,827 -13,051 -5.1
Times 665,764 640,682 -25,082 -3.8
Mid Market        
Daily Express 816,046 793,884 -22,162 -2.7
Daily Mail 2,362,162 2,347,381 -14,781 -0.6
Daily Mirror 1,624,490 1,557,401 -67,089 -4.1
Daily Record 424,582 405,744 -18,838 -4.4
Daily Star 795,451 794,034 -1,417 -0.2
Sun 3,164,150 3,129,071 -35,079 -1.1
Total Daily 11,816,426 11,597,949 -218,477 -1.85
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jun 2007 – Nov 2007
Sunday Titles Jun 06 – Nov 06 Jun 07 – Nov 07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 220,445 217,950 -2,495 -1.1
Observer 460,490 459,075 -1,415 -0.3
Sunday Times 1,313,381 1,210,787 -102,594 -7.8
Sunday Telegraph 659,544 645,618 -13,926 -2.1
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,327,650 2,324,694 -2,956 -0.1
Sunday Express 809,033 738,599 -70,434 -8.7
Daily Star Sunday. 400,123 451,061 50,938 12.7
News Of The World 3,478,923 3,334,574 -144,349 -4.1
People 816,620 720,184 -96,436 -11.8
Sunday Mirror 1,422,289 1,413,010 -9,279 -0.7
Total Sunday 11,908,498 11,515,552 -392,946 -3.3

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