
ABC Results Jan-Jun 2004: Computing Titles Continue To Crash

ABC Results Jan-Jun 2004: Computing Titles Continue To Crash

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 August 2004. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see NewsLine.

The latest ABC results for the six months to June 2004 reveal that the majority of computing and gaming magazines saw circulation decline in what was another unsettled period for the rapidly evolving sector.

FXM International’s XBox Gamer suffered the largest overall decline with circulation dipping by 42.3% year on year to 20,037. However, the title covers a games console that is now nearly three years old and it is unsurprising that interest is beginning to wane.

Future Publishing’s NGC Magazine, which targets those with Nintendo Game Cube consoles, also performed poorly with circulation dipping by 26.2% year on year to 23,804. However, the downturn was not solely confined to the console market and Dennis Publishing’s mixed format title, Computer and Video Games, experienced a staggering 40.2% decline during the same period to 19,162.

Only a handful of titles managed to increase circulation, with Future’s PSW (PlayStation World) proving that console fans have not yet tired of Sony’s games machine. The title saw circulation rise by 6.5% year on year to achieve a healthy circulation of 56,834.

Gaming Magazines: Jan-Jun 2004 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 03 Jan-Jun 04 Actual Change % Ch
Computer and Video Games Dennis Publishing 32,069 19,162 -12,907 -40.2
Cube Highbury Entertainment 31,736 29,172 -2,564 -8.1
Cheatzone* Future Games n/a 7,205 n/a n/a
Edge Future Publishing 27,315 27,464 149 0.5
Games Master Future Publishing 59,222 55,254 -3,968 -6.7
NGC Magazine Future Publishing 32,253 23,804 -8,449 -26.2
Nintendo Official Magazine Emap Active 47,013 46,108 -905 -1.9
Official Playstation 2 Future Publishing 188,079 177,450 -10,629 -5.7
Official UK Xbox Magazine FXM International 80,179 83,549 3,370 4.2
Official Xbox – Special Edition Series FXM International 15,959 13,273 -2,686 -16.8
P2 Highbury Entertainment 19,048 18,929 -119 -0.6
PC Gamer Future Publishing 65,573 57,748 -7,825 -11.9
PC Zone Dennis Publishing 50,050 41,073 -8,977 -17.9
Play Highbury Entertainment 64,686 54,109 -10,577 -16.4
PSW (PlayStation World) Future Publishing 53,349 56,834 3,485 6.5
PSM2 Future Publishing 58,527 45,147 -13,380 -22.9
XBM Highbury Entertainment 32,163 29,559 -2,604 -8.1
XBox Gamer FXM International 34,710 20,037 -14,673 -42.3
Xbox World (N) Future Publishing n/a 23,753 n/a n/a
Total   891,931 829,630 -62,301 -7.0
*No data for Jan-Jun 2003 period          

PC and business focused titles fared slightly better than their gaming counterparts, but they were not immune to the downturn gripping the sector. VNU’s Personal Computer World suffered the largest decline with circulation dipping by 16.8% year on year to 101,171. However, a 13.4% decline for Dennis Punlishing’s MacUser proved that the downturn had extended to all computing platforms.

Only a handful of titles experienced growth in the six months to June 2004, with Dennis Publishing’s Computer Shopper proving that the market for techno-titles is still alive. The title which provides purchasing advice to readers saw a healthy 7.6% year on year increase in circulation to 107,726.

Computing Magazines: Jan-Jun 2004 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 03 Jan-Jun 04 Actual Change % Ch
Computer Buyer Dennis Publishing 38,321 34,892 -3,429 -8.9
Computer Shopper Dennis Publishing 100,135 107,726 7,591 7.6
Custom PC (N) Dennis Publishing n/a 20,078 n/a n/a
MacUser Dennis Publishing 24,289 21,038 -3,251 -13.4
PC Pro Dennis Publishing 117,150 106,064 -11,086 -9.5
Personal Computer World VNU 121,566 101,171 -20,395 -16.8
PC Live* Scope n/a 10,616 n/a n/a
PC Utilities Live Publishing 25,670 23,501 -2,169 -8.4
Total   427,131 425,086 -2,045 -0.5
*No data for Jan-Jun 2003 period          

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