
Almost 18 Million UK Households Have Digital TV

Almost 18 Million UK Households Have Digital TV

Digital Set-Top Box More than 70% of UK television households, almost 18 million, are watching digital television on at least one set in the home, according to new research released by communications watchdog Ofcom.

The report entitled ‘The Consumer Experience’, also found that 26% of British homes have bought digital terrestrial television receivers, more than twice as many as in any other country.

There has also been a 55% growth in internet users who have taken up broadband in the past 18 months, whilst only 25% of low income earners have internet access at home, compared with 88% of high earners.

Ofcom’s latest figures also show that fixed-line, 2G mobile, digital television and broadband internet services are available to between 95%-100% of the UK population, and 89% of people are able to receive at least one digital radio multiplex through a DAB receiver.

“This research is a fascinating account of the consumer’s experience of telecoms, internet and broadcasting, revealing both the good and the bad,” said Ed Richards, CEO of Ofcom.

“It is clear that competition has brought many benefits. However, increasingly competitive markets bring new challenges. While we have made considerable progress in dealing with these challenges, we need to reinforce our efforts to tackle consumer harm.”

Ofcom: 020 7981 3040 www.ofcom.org.uk

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