
BBC Media Player Paves Way For Legal TV Downloads

BBC Media Player Paves Way For Legal TV Downloads

Telewest The BBC has launched the next phase in the development of its interactive Media Player (iMP), eventually intended to allow on-demand access to all of the BBC’s content, as well as giving access to the Corporation’s extensive archive of material.

An extensive three month trial of the new technology is due to begin in September, allowing viewers access to TV and radio programmes they may have missed for up to seven days after they have been broadcast. The new system will use the internet to download legal copies of programmes to home computers, building on the success of a trial in Summer 2004 with a limited number of participants and a small amount of rights-cleared programmes.

The next phase will see the BBC open more of its content for access via the internet, with around 190 hours of TV programmes and 310 radio programmes avaiable for download, as well as local programming and several rights-cleared feature films.

Five thousand participants will take part in the trial, with locations all over the country involved. Those given access to the service will be able to search for programmes they want to watch, filter programmes by channel, select subtitles and, in the case of some series, to collect and watch episodes that they may otherwise have missed.

Siemens Business Services, BBC Broadcast and Kontiki Inc will assist the BBC with the technical and playout elements of the service. Ashley Highfield, director of new media & technology at the BBC said: “”iMP could just be the iTunes for the broadcast industry, enabling our audience to access our TV and radio programmes on their terms – anytime, any place, any how – Martini Media.”

Explaining the need for an in-depth content trial, he added: “We’ll see what programmes appeal in this new world and how people search, sort, snack and savour our content in the broadband world.”

The move follows the BBC’s decision to extend its current podcasting operations last month. The newly enhanced service allows users to download some of its most high profile programmes, including Radio 4’s flagship Today programme and selected Radio 1 speech content, taking the Corporation’s total number of podcasts to 22 (see NewsLine).

BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk

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