
BBC To Launch Gaelic TV Channel

BBC To Launch Gaelic TV Channel

A Television The BBC is launching a new Gaelic digital television channel on September 19 called BBC ALBA.

Going on air at 9pm, the channel has been co-funded by MG ALBA, formerly known as the Gaelic Media Service.

It will cost £14 million with £10 million from MG ALBA and £4 million from the BBC.

BBC ALBA will broadcast on cable and satellite TV and if eventually given approval by the BBC Trust, on digital terrestrial TV service Freeview following the digital switchover in 2010.

Alasdair Morrison, chairman of MG ALBA, said: “The launch of BBC ALBA is a wonderful milestone for broadcasting.

“The most important priority for MG ALBA is that viewers and listeners receive high quality television, radio and online services, and I’m delighted that we are establishing this new service through the historic collaboration between MG ALBA and the BBC.”

Ken MacQuarrie, controller of BBC Scotland, said: “The launch of a new channel is always an exciting time for any broadcaster and I’m delighted that the partnership between BBC and MG ALBA has resulted in this happening right here in Scotland.

“The launch next month of BBC ALBA is the realisation of a long-held ambition of the Gaelic community and an achievement for those who worked so hard to bring it about.

“BBC ALBA will offer a new and enhanced service to the Gaelic audience and will also reach out to the wider Scottish audience by offering a range of attractive and compelling programmes.”

BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk

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