
Broadband Reach Grows To A Further One Million UK Homes

Broadband Reach Grows To A Further One Million UK Homes

BT Group has announced that broadband availability is set to match that of analogue television after the telecoms giant announced its intention to scrap exchange barrier plans.

Following trials in rural areas, BT has said that from 6 September, those living more than 6 kilometres from an exchange will be able receive a high-speed internet connection. Those wanting high-speed access previously were subject to something of a postcode lottery, with some customers being denied service because of living just metres out of range.

Trials held by BT earlier this year paved the way for longer-range broadband services, of particular benefit to those living in remote rural areas and small villages, abolishing restrictions on the range of its services and allowing access to approximately a million extra users (see BT To Boost Broadband Up-Take With Long Distance Trial).

In addition to extending the reach of its normal broadband services, BT is also set to increase the coverage area for its premium one megabyte per second service to 6 kilometres from its current reach of 4 kilometres from the exchange.

Chief broadband officer, Alison Ritchie, said: “By pushing the boundaries on broadband reach we are building on our exchange upgrade rollout programme which means the remaining gaps in the broadband Britain jigsaw are getting smaller and smaller.”

She added: “Today’s announcement, together with our exchange upgrade programme means that by next summer we expect the availability of ADSL broadband in the UK to be 99.4% – on a par with the percentage of homes that can get good quality analogue television signals for the four main terrestrial channels.”

Earlier this month new research released by Mintel revealed the total number of internet users in the UK to be almost 28 million, following an average take up rate of one million customers each month for the past three months (see Internet Usage Soars With Almost 28 Million Now Online).

BT: 0207 469 2337 www.btplc.com

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