
Connected TV’s predicted to help overtake PC sales

Connected TV’s predicted to help overtake PC sales

Flatscreen Television

A report published by market research firm IHS Suppli has predicted that consumers will be more likely to access the Internet through their tablets and TV’s rather than PC’s in the next few years.

The findings show devices that can connect to the Internet, such as connected TV’s, Blue-ray players, game consoles and tablets will rise from 161 million units in 2010 to 504 million units in 2013.

Whereas, PC sales are predicted to moderately increase from over 300 million units to less than 450 million.

Jordan Selburn, principle analyst for consumer platforms at IHS explains, ‘Increasingly, each Internet-enabled consumer electronics device is vying to become the centre of what is known as the digital living room, aggregating content throughout the home and serving up movies, television programmes, videos and music.’

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