
Emap Advertising Launches Cross-Platform Campaign For T-Mobile

Emap Advertising Launches Cross-Platform Campaign For T-Mobile

Emap Logo Emap Advertising has announced a major advertising deal with T-Mobile to support the mobile network’s ‘Top Up Friday’ offer and help drive customers in-store pre-Christmas.

The three-month, cross-platform deal is worth over £500,000 and involves Emap’s Heat, FHM, Zoo, Kiss, The Hits and More brands. The campaign kicks off on October 22.

T-Mobile has signed a deal with Emap that includes activity across TV, print, radio and online. The campaign runs under the creative banner of ‘Something for the Weekend’ and will focus on two main elements: the creation of special guides providing tips on making the most of the weekend and the creation of a ‘T-Mobile Friday Club’ that audiences will be encouraged to join for the chance to win weekly prizes that will ‘top up’ their weekends.

The TV element of the campaign is on Emap’s FHM and The Hits channels and sees the creation of eight weekend city guides The covering major UK cities including London, Manchester, Glasgow and Cardiff.

In print, Emap is creating a series of weekend guides over the three-month campaign in More, Heat, Zoo and FHM. The magazines will also encourage readers to join the ‘T-Mobile Friday Club’ and direct them online to find out more.

Emap is also creating a bespoke microsite, www.topupyourweekend.co.uk, that will host a series of detailed weekend city guides across the eight UK cities. Interactivity will be central to the microsite and users will be encouraged to add their views on how to top up your weekend in their city, in an attempt to provide a genuinely regional feel.

Directional media including banners, MPU’s and editorially endorsed placements will be used to drive users from the brand sites to interact with the campaign on the microsite.

T-Mobile’s ‘Top Up Friday’ offer is: Top Up your phone with £10 on a Friday and receive unlimited free texts all weekend.

Joseph Evea, strategy director, Emap Advertising, said: “This is a great demonstration of how a strong creative idea can be executed across our different brands and their different platforms to deliver a highly engaging campaign for a client. We’re delighted to be working with T-Mobile on this.”

Sam Taylor, head of advertising and sponsorship, T-Mobile, said: “The activity will enable us to communicate directly with our target audience through an editorial narrative, when they are most receptive. Advertorial led creative is always more time consuming and I have been genuinely impressed by the organisation and project management by Emap to help us maximise a strong creative idea across multiple platforms.”

The deal was negotiated by Joseph Evea, strategy director at Emap Advertising, Sam Taylor, head of advertising and sponsorship at T-Mobile, and Stephen Ward, planning manager at Mediacom.

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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