
FreeWheel Video Monetization Report Q1 2014

FreeWheel Video Monetization Report Q1 2014

The FreeWheel Video Monetization Report is released quarterly and seeks to highlight the changing dynamics of how enterprise-class content owners and distributors are monetising professional digital video content.

Q1 2014 marked the beginning of what promises to be an extremely strong year for growth and evolution in the digital television market, with video views and ad views both up over 25% year-over-year.

Key findings include:

  • Authenticated viewing grew 436% year-over-year
  • Live viewing led industry growth, up 176% year-over-year
  • Viewers are seeing more ads per commercial break, yet completion rates remain high

To download the full report, please click here:

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FreeWheel Video Monetization Report Q1 2014

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