
Future Revamps TotalFilm.com

Future Revamps TotalFilm.com

Total Film Future has overhauled the TotalFilm.com website, offering new features such as Q&As with film stars and directors.

The revamped website also has a new editorial line-up, including launch editor George Walter who will work with Total Film‘s editor-in-chief Aubrey Day and the digital editorial team.

The new site will offer users a database of trailers and enhanced navigation facilities, while Future says that it will offer increased innovation for advertisers, including site-wide advertising takeovers or film specific campaigns.

The new site launches with a “Countdown to Bond” feature, focusing on the release of the new James Bond film Quantum of Solace.

ABC figures for the six months to the end of June show that the print edition of Total Film had a circulation figure of just under 74,000 in the UK and Ireland.

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