
GMG Radio appoints Smooth and Real brand directors

GMG Radio appoints Smooth and Real brand directors

A Radio GMG Radio has appointed Jay Crawford and Steve Collins as brand programme directors of its Smooth and Real Radio networks.

Crawford, currently programme director of GMG Radio in Scotland, takes charge of Real Radio, while Collins, programme director of Smooth Radio in the north-west, will oversee the Smooth Radio brand across the country.

Two more stations will be added to the Real Radio network in April, taking the total to five, as GMG’s Century stations are rebranded.

GMG Radio said the appointments would ensure consistency in both programming and commercial activity across the two stations.

John Simons, GMG Radio group programme director, said Crawford and Collins would “help develop the Smooth and Real brands, ensuring we can meet the growing commercial needs for the networks whilst ensuring the core brand values of the stations continue to be met”.

Last week it was revealed that Jonathan Gillespie, Google UK’s head of YouTube and display, was leaving the company to join GMG Radio as its new commercial director (see Jonathan Gillespie to join GMG Radio).

GMG Radio: www.gmgradio.co.uk

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