
hellomagazine.com Strikes Deal With ntlworld and tesco.net

hellomagazine.com Strikes Deal With ntlworld and tesco.net

The online sister publication of Hello magazine, hellomagazine.com has forged two new partnerships with broadband providers ntlworld.com and tesco.net, to provide celebrity news to millions of additional internet users.

The new partnership with ntl, which also provides virtual internet service provider provision for tesco.net, will allow users to receive celebrity news on their most visited pages. Customers of ntl’s 1.4m broadband and dial-up internet will be able to access hellomagazine.com news via their homepages and on the specially created new celebrity section. tesco.net users will also have celebrity news at their fingertips via the music & movies and news pages.

The headlines of the women’s website will be updated throughout the day, covering everything from Britney to Brad and linking directly to the stories in the five sections on hellomagazine.com, comprising of Celebrities, Actors and Actresses, Musicians, Fashion and Models and Royalty.

Commenting on the deal, Tree Elven, website editor for hellomagazine.com, said: “We’re very happy to be providing a quality celebrity news service to some of the biggest portals in the UK. Our news is upbeat, colourful and full of the ‘froth of life’. It’s the perfect addition for the ntlworld and tesco sites, and great added content for its users.”

Corey Monk, director of internet marketing at ntl, added: “We’re delighted to be adding further value for our internet customers with the launch of this new service. Our visitors are hungry for celebrity news. This new deal will meet this growing demand.”

Tesco entered the broadband market last September when it launched a new service costing less than £20 per month, complementing its existing dial up, mobile and home telephone products.

The move made Tesco only the second of Britain’s supermarkets to offer customers high-speed internet access, following a similar offer by rival Waitrose earlier this year. However, the package offered by Waitrose is far more expensive, costing £27.99 per month and charging for the required broadband modem.

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