
LinkedIn To Launch B-2-B Research Network

LinkedIn To Launch B-2-B Research Network

LinkedIn The social-network aimed at professionals, LinkedIn, is launching a network aimed at business-to-business market researchers.

So far, the LinkedIn Research Network has partnered with six market research firms to conduct targeted B2B primary research among its network of around 30 million professionals worldwide.

Dan Shapero, director of business services for the LinkedIn Research Network, said that involvement in the research is entirely opt-in and is expected to make participation in the community more attractive.

Shapero added: “B2B market research is a $100,000 million dollar industry, and we feel we can become a leading provider of that data.

“Users will be offered rewards to share their behavior like cash incentives, donations to a charity of their choice, and merchandise.

“The other reward is that this research might be used to improve the industries they work in.”

LinkedIn said that another advantage it has over other data providers is its global reach, while Shapero pointed out the perceived genuineness of its users because they identify themselves as a community of professionals rather than a focus group.

Shapero estimates that LinkedIn users will receive invitations to participate in market research surveys four times a year, adding that in the future, opportunities to participate could come along as often as once a month.

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/

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