
Loaded Anniversary Campaign Cleared Over Feminist Jibe

Loaded Anniversary Campaign Cleared Over Feminist Jibe

An advertisement for IPC’s flagship men’s magazine Loaded has been cleared of being offensive and demeaning to women by the Advertising Standards Authority following complaints over its “Fighting For Feminism” strapline.

The advertisement, a poster promoting the magazine’s tenth anniversary issue, pictured a profile view of a naked woman holding a burning bra. The woman’s modesty was preserved by the placement of her arm and was accompanied with the text: “10 Years Fighting For Feminism.”

The ASA turned its attention to the advertisement following three complaints objecting that the poster was “demeaning to women, offensive and unsuitable for a medium that could be seen by children.” However, the watchdog concluded that the advert was “in keeping with Loaded‘s cheeky, ‘laddish’ character” and did not believe it was offensive or unsuitable to be seen by children.

The advertisement was also carried by TV and Satellite Week, which said it did not believe the advertisement was intended to degrade the women’s liberation movement or that their readers would interpret it as sutch. The magazine also stated that it would be acceptable to their readers, 36% of which fall within Loaded‘s demographic of 15-to 44-year-old men.

Defending the campaign, IPC stated that the ad was “not intended to be taken seriously and was based on ironic humour”, and that readers were unlikely to see it as an attempt to “undermine the position of women in society”. The publisher also refuted the claim that the advert was placed in an unsuitable for a medium, stating that a “covered breast represented an acceptable level of nudity”.

The controversial campaign formed part of a high-profile advertising push by IPC, promoting Loaded as the definitive lad’s mag with a series of campaigns, special issues and outrageous stunts to mark a decade of its existence.

Loaded‘s circulation has been put under increased pressure lately, with the advent of men’s weekly titles Nuts and Zoo believed to be canibalising the readership of more traditional men’s monthly titles such as Loaded and rival Emap’s FHM (see Nuts And Zoo Hit Sales Of Monthly Lads’ Mags).

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