
Meadows-Klue Announced As New Chief Executive Of IAB Europe

Meadows-Klue Announced As New Chief Executive Of IAB Europe

The European arm of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has announced the appointment of former president Danny Meadows-Klue as its chief executive.

Meadows-Klue is credited with both building the IAB into its current state, and delivering revenue growth. The trade body chief is also held responsible for the majority of IAB projects across its standards, training, research and marketing programmes.

Commenting on the appointment, Meadows-Klue said: “Online is now a mainstream consumer medium across Europe but many clients are yet to tap into the real power of the web. Helping marketers across Europe to gain the very best insights is critical, and the expanding IAB Europe will help answer this need”.

Meadows-Klue’s handed over his three-month long presidency of IAB Europe to Italy. IAB’s new president is Layla Pavone, who added: “We are delighted Danny has accepted this new fundamental role in this growing Association. It gives us continuity in IAB Europe, allowing us to go ahead with even more ambitious programmes.”

The first task of the new chief executive will be to complete an action plan for the development of IAB Europe and its five programmes of activity to grow the market.

The end of 2004 saw Meadows-Klues announcing his intention climb down as the chief executive of the IAB UK, in order to pursue other interests (see Meadows-Klue To Step Down As IAB Chief Executive).

At the beginning of this year, the IAB announced the appointment of its new chief executive, selecting former head of advertising at Vodafone, Guy Phillipson, to be Danny Meadows-Klue’s successor at the industry body (see IAB Appoints New Chief Executive To Replace Meadows-Klue).

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