
Media Buyers Support Increasing Online Accountability

Media Buyers Support Increasing Online Accountability

Media agencies are increasingly looking to the industry standards in place for measuring electronic media to justify their online buying decisions, according to new research from ABC Electronic.

The independent study, carried out by Benchmark, shows that 90% of media buyers want independent third party verification of a website’s traffic claims when planning their online media spend.

Understanding of the importance of online accountability has also improved significantly and the number of media buyers using ABC Electronic certification has increased to more than 50%, up from just 38% two years ago.

Commenting on the findings, Richard Foan, managing director at ABC Electronic, said: “Media Buyers will embrace information they can use to help them make better buying decisions. The sea-change in understanding of the standards that are in place for new media measurement is testament to an industry that is rapidly evolving and delivering accountability for investment made in online.”

He added: “The research is encouraging for advertisers, as they can be more confident that media buyers working on their behalf are deciding where to place spend online from more than just a site owners claims. For the site owners, they can be encouraged to deliver their traffic data audited to independent industry standards by an industry owned third party, to satisfy the growing demand for accountability by media buyers.”

The research also shows that the majority of media buyers are now significantly more aware of the industry standards for measuring electronic media, with 40% of those surveyed displaying a good understanding of how the guidelines are developed.

Bob Wootton, ISBA’s director of media and advertising, said: “Advertisers are focussing ever more on the returns delivered by their marketing investments, and are rightly demanding better justification for every aspect of their advertising and media spend.”

He added: “Online’s rapid growth to date reflects its ability rapidly and accurately to demonstrate both its media and sales performance. Key to this is accurate, independent, industry-standard audience data.”

Earlier this month a single, industry-wide system for the measurement of electronic media came a step closer to being adopted across the continent following a landmark agreement by European Interactive Advertising Bureau (see Industry Moves Towards Single Online Measurement System).

ABCe: 01442 870 800 www.abce.org.uk

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