
Men “Value The Internet Over TV”

Men “Value The Internet Over TV”

Watching TV Over two thirds-of men cannot live without the internet when compared to television, according to new research from men’s entertainment community Break Media.

The research, conducted by Hall and Partners, polled a sample of more than five hundred males aged 18-34 who access the internet at least once per month, and was designed to determine what male consumers (aged 18-34) are doing online and what they think about online advertising in general.

The majority of men surveyed said they often recall online advertising after their online experience has concluded; nearly half of respondents have purchased a product or service as a result of an online advertisement.

According to the research, men aged 18-34 not only tolerate ads with a game or contest, but more than one-third of those polled actually liked the experience.

Men’s Behaviour Online

  • 69% say they can’t live without the Internet, versus just 31% for television
  • 63% have a smart phone and one in four use their mobile device to connect to the web
  • 40% use the internet for more than 22 hours per week
  • 36% say they can’t live without the internet for socialising
  • 33% say they can’t live without online entertainment

How Men Respond To Online Advertising

  • 59% notice online ads
  • 47% have purchased as a result of an online ad
  • 35% like ads that allow them to play a game
  • 34% like online ads that allow them to participate in a contest

In addition, the research shows that 63% of men have a smart phone and one in four have used their mobile phone or wireless device to connect to the internet.

The survey also looked at top activities online, which include visiting social networking sites (63%), playing video games (60%), playing computer games (51%), forwarding links to online video (31%), reading blogs (31%), shopping (30%, commenting on online content (28%), and uploading photos to the web (23%).

Break Media: http://breakmedia.break.com

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