
New Research Finds Media Work Best Together In Driving Consumer Purchases

New Research Finds Media Work Best Together In Driving Consumer Purchases

Dynamic Logic Dynamic Logic has released new analysis of 32 cross-media campaigns across ten categories, finding that all three media platforms – television, magazines, and online – contribute incrementally to brand metrics, bringing various strengths at different points along the purchase funnel.

According to the Dynamic Logic study, TV and online’s contributions were more apparent during the awareness stages, while magazines were stronger at building brand favourability and purchase intent.

For this analysis, Dynamic Logic isolated the impact of TV advertising, then assessed online’s contribution in addition to TV, and finally magazines added to the online and TV combination.

The study compared people who had the opportunity to see only TV advertising with those who had the opportunity to see TV in combination with other media.

For example, “online” advertising represents the increased impact of online display advertising combined with TV (+3.7 percentage points for aided brand awareness).

The “magazine” values represent the (positive) change in each metric produced by adding magazine advertising to TV and online using the same approach.

The incremental values from the addition of magazines were very strong, said Dynamic Logic, adding most impact further down the purchase funnel with contributions to brand favourability perceptions and purchase intent.

Dynamic Logic also found that TV advertising performs the strongest for generating brand awareness. When used in combination with TV, magazine and online each build on the initial awareness impact of TV. Over these 32 multi-media campaigns, magazines’ incremental awareness added nearly as much to the total as TV.

Both magazine and online advertising generate significant lifts when used in conjunction with TV. TV and magazine advertising produced greater incremental brand and ad awareness gains than online advertising.

Incremental contributions from magazine advertising are strongest for brand favourability and purchase intent. They about double the average persuasion contribution of TV and online combined.

Suzanne Moorey-Denham, MD, Dynamic Logic Europe, said: “Our initial research and learning suggests that we may now be able to quantify the synergy of cross-media campaigns. We can examine whether there are cost-efficiencies within certain media combinations that could significantly increase the advertiser’s impact, without increasing costs.”

Dynamic Logic: 0207 152 4004 www.dynamiclogic.com

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