
No New Offer From ITV Digital For League To Consider

No New Offer From ITV Digital For League To Consider

No New Offer From ITV Digital For League To Consider

The administrator handling ITV Digital has this morning announced that no new offer has been made to the Football League in lieu of the £89.25 million owed by ITV Digital to the League in August.

In a statement, the administrator said “The shareholders are re-evaluating the business plan and therefore no formal offer has been made to the Football League”. The statement also stressed that discussions with suppliers were continuing but concluded that “while we seek to establish whether the Company can be preserved, we are also preparing the business for sale.”

The 72 Football League chairmen are due to meet today, it was expected that any offer tabled by ITV Digital would be discussed, but there is now some considerable doubt as to whether any offer currently exists. This morning’s statement did not clarify whether the previous offer made by ITV Digital still stands.

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