
One Third Of Top Ten Advertising Spenders Cut Investment Last Year

One Third Of Top Ten Advertising Spenders Cut Investment Last Year

Over one third of the top advertisers in terms of spending significantly cut their investments during last year, including the top spender, Proctor & Gamble, which spent £123m promoting brands such as Pringles, Fairy and Lenor, 24% less than in the previous year. Total adspend for the top 50 biggest spenders was £2,070,795, up just 1.3% on the 1999 figure.

According to the latest figures from CIA Medialab, three car manufacturers appear in the top ten spenders- Renault, Vauxhall and Ford, but while Ford’s investment in advertising only dropped 1.7% year on year, the other two decreased their adspend by more than 10%.

Increases in adspend among the top ten were seen in the communications sector, with BT upping its spend by 31.5% year on year to take second place with a £107,810 total adspend. BSkyB’s efforts to push its digital TV services saw a 47.1% increase in its advertising spend, while Vodafone added a massive 84%, going from £25,967 spent during 1999 to £47,340 during the following year.

The largest share of advertising investment during 2000 went to TV, which took 48% of the incoming revenue. Press took 39% of total spend, followed by Radio with 7%, Outdoor with 5% and Cinema with 1%.

CIA MediaLab: 020 7803 2000

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