
Outdoor Rates Forecast 1st Qtr 1993

Outdoor Rates Forecast 1st Qtr 1993

Poster prices increased by 6.3% in 1992 compared to 1991, according to the latest Concord Outdoor Rates Forecast. For this year Concord is predicting that outdoor rates will rise by 3.8% over 1993, with the first quarter showing only a small rise. The second quarter will see a slight drop of 2.2% as last year’s prices during that period were heightened by the general election.

The second half of 1993 will show better growth, according to the forecast. On his review of 1992 rates director of buying at Concord, Nigel Mansell says; “The fourth quarter of 1992 started poorly with postponements and cutbacks from motor manufacturers and abstinence from spirit advertisers, some of whom saved their reduced budgets for a short strong spree just before Christmas.”


 1993 AGAINST 1992  
 Quarter 1      +1.3% 
 Quarter 2      -2.2% 
 Quarter 3      +6.3% 
 Quarter 4      +8.3% 
 1993 Overall   +3.8% 

Concord: 071 434 9434

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