
Research currencies “as robust as ever”

Research currencies “as robust as ever”

David Brennan Research currencies are as robust as ever, but researchers need to aggregate data in order to get the full picture.

Speaking at this morning’s MediaTel Group seminar on the ‘Future of Media Research’, David Brennan, research and strategy director at Thinkbox, said: “In terms of total aggregated level it is as strong as it has ever been.

However, he added that “we’ve got to be cognisant enough to know you’ve got to be aggregating to get enough validity”.

“The worry is that we don’t often test its validity enough. There is a tendency to try to stretch data,” he said.

“On a computer print out it looks great but do we put it under enough scrutiny?” he added.

The importance of aggregation was picked up by David Fletcher, head of MEC MediaLab, Mediaedge:CIA.

“We wouldn’t rely on the data for one spot any more than the buyers would – you trust the aggregates,” he said. “The confidence in the JICS is proportionately fine.”

He added: “The best innovations are the ones from multiple sources.”

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