
Rigby To Head IPA’s Media Research Advisory Group

Rigby To Head IPA’s Media Research Advisory Group

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising has announced the appointment of Jo Rigby, head of research at OMD UK, as chairwoman of its newly renamed Media Research Advisory Group.

The group, previously known as the Press Research Advisory Group, made the name change to demonstrate more clearly their full remit, which encompasses all non-television media including press, direct marketing, radio, outdoor and internet advertising.

The group consists of several senior media research professionals, who meet every six weeks to discuss issues relating to non-television research. One of Rigby’s first actions as chairwoman has been to introduce direct marketing research suppliers to the group in an attempt to increase awareness of issues surrounding the medium and include it in the group’s deliberations.

Commenting on her appointment, Rigby said: “The MRAG committee serves as a unique arena for communication agencies to debate and develop research issues. I am bringing in different ways of looking at research but it’s a fantastic group anyway, represented by some very proactive people within agencies, it’s not like we have to drag people into the future, everyone is very forward thinking.”

Rigby has been at OMD for four years, holding responsibility for OMD insight projects such as Communigraphics, OMD Snapshots and research into the over fifties. Her latest role will see her tackling high profile, industry-wide research issues.

Earlier this month research by the MRG revealed fears among industry professionals over a significant decline in the number of consumers taking part in reader and audience surveys. The problem of subject apathy is widespread, but Rigby does not see the decline as insurmountable, blaming researcher’s approach to subjects, rather than the subjects themselves (see Media Researchers Concerned Over Falling Response Rates).

She said: “When you ask less interesting questions you fail to engage people. When we do bespoke research we don’t really see a problem because we ask more interesting questions. We try to engage people by getting their answers, over the internet, through a PDA or through a survey.”

Speaking at last year’s MRG One day Conference, Jennie Beck, head of NFO Research, claimed that media research is excluding significant sections of the public because the tools used by agencies don’t reach them, or encourage their participation (see Media Research Excludes Certain Types Of Consumer).

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk

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