
Telegraph Nets Sponsor For Tennis Television

Telegraph Nets Sponsor For Tennis Television

The Telegraph Group has secured an innovative deal with wine brand Jacob’s Creek to broadcast the forthcoming Wimbledon tennis tournament on a giant screen at London’s Canary Wharf.

In addition to the giant screen, the Daily Telegraph will include an eight-page Wimbledon supplement next Monday and a preview of the tournament entitled John McEnroe’s Wimbledon Guide in this weekend’s Sunday Telegraph.

The Telegraph Group’s ‘Wimbledon at the Wharf’ screen in Montgomery Square will show uninterrupted coverage of the contest, which runs from 21 June to 4 July. The deal, initiated by the Telegraph Group’s commercial development team, also includes sponsorship by Jacob’s Creek of a 32-page full-colour magazine in this weekend’s Sunday Telegraph.

Commenting on the deal, Nick Russell, strategic planner for the Telegraph Group, said: “This is the first time that the Telegraph’s commercial development team has organised a large public event to reinforce an in-paper deal with a client.”

He added: “We were able to offer Jacob’s Creek an avid tennis-supporting readership and the association with the Wimbledon tournament. The Telegraph titles will cover Wimbledon in great detail and we are now setting a precedent in Canary Wharf, allowing people to see more of one of the world’s biggest sporting events.”
Both the big screen event and the Telegraph’s coverage of Wimbledon will be supported with an outdoor and television campaign created by Telegraph Group agencies Clemmow Hornby Inge and Universal McCann.

The move follows increased coverage of sports in general by the Telegraph titles. Earlier this month The Sunday Telegraph made an attempt to cash in on this summer’s football with a special 48-page Euro 2004 magazine (see Sunday Telegraph To Cash In On Euro 2004 Football Frenzy).

Telegraph Group: 020 7538 5000 www.telegraph.co.uk

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