
Text Messages Reach Record Total During October

Text Messages Reach Record Total During October

The total number of person to person text messages sent across the UK’s four GSM networks during October surpassed all previous records to reach 1.8 billion, according to the latest figures from the Mobile Data Association.

The UK daily average for October stands at 58.5 million, which compares to 50 million in the same period the previous year and just 38 million in October 2001.

The latest data takes the cumulative total for 2003 to 16.8 billion, against a 12 month forecast for the year of 16.8 billion, allowing for seasonal trends. This year’s total has already surpassed last year’s, which stood at 16 billion person to person text messages.

The MDA recently launched the latest phase of its generic awareness campaign to promote the advantages of texting across all networks. The consumer push targets both users and non-SMS users, while the corporate programme focuses on businesses users and incorporates extensive market research.

A recent survey from mail and messaging analysts, Pitney Bowes, ranked SMS advertising as the second most irritating form of direct marketing, just behind telephone marketing. The study suggested that SMS is far more useful as a tool for customer service (see Snail Mail Deemed Least Annoying Form Of Direct Marketing).

Mobile Data Association: 01922 419600 www.mda-mobiledata.org

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