
thelondonpaper Increases Lead Over London Lite

thelondonpaper Increases Lead Over London Lite

Man Reading A Paper thelondonpaper was well ahead of its rival afternoon freesheet the London Lite in June, recording a month on month increase of almost 10,000 copies. The title’s circulation now stands at around 496,500.

The London Lite suffered a circulation decrease of almost 11,800 copies month on month, leaving it with a total figure of over 388,400.

Westminster Council recently passed tough new rules which could see the publishers of thelondonpaper and London Lite, News International and Associated Newspapers, having to apply for distribution permits within the borough of Westminster (see Council Could Implement Tough New Freesheet Rules).

Meanwhile, paid-for title the Evening Standard, enjoyed a modest circulation increase, of almost 2,700 copies per month, giving it a total of just over 276,200.

Morning freesheet Metro was down by just over 1,000 copies month on month, whilst business freesheet City AM was down by around 600 copies month on month. Their circulations now rest at around 547,000 and almost 100,500 respectively.

Title Audit May-07 Jun-07 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 101,094 100,486 -608 -0.6
Metro (London) BDP 548,053 547,027 -1,026 -0.2
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 273,537 276,230 2,693 1.0
London Lite BDP 400,229 388,442 -11,787 -2.9
thelondonpaper BDP 486,615 496,504 9,889 2.0
Total London Papers   1,160,381 1,161,176 795 0.1

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