
thelondonpaper Stays Ahead Of London Lite

thelondonpaper Stays Ahead Of London Lite

Man Reading A Paper thelondonpaper remained ahead of its rival afternoon freesheet the London Lite in July, enjoying a month on month increase in circulation of almost 54,000 copies to take its total distribution to over 550,400.

The London Lite‘s circulation now stands at almost 400,600, after the title’s circulation rose by more than 12,100 copies.

Paid-for title the Evening Standard was down by just over 1,000 copies month on month in July, to give it a total figure of almost 275,200.

Of the morning freesheets, the Metro (London) suffered a decline of almost 46,500 copies month on month, leaving it with a circulation of nearly 500,600, whilst business title City AM fell by around 7,200 copies month on month, meaning its circulation dropped below the 100,000 mark.

Title Audit Jun-07 Jul-07 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers          
City AM BDP 100,486 93,321 -7,165 -7.1
Metro (London) BDP 547,027 500,563 -46,464 -8.5
Evening Papers          
Evening Standard (London) ABC 276,230 275,186 -1,044 -0.4
London Lite BDP 388,442 400,571 12,129 3.1
thelondonpaper BDP 496,504 550,418 53,914 10.9
Total London Papers   1,161,176 1,226,175 64,999 5.6

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